The Commodore Computer Club News was a tabloid newspaper which was produced using pretty primitive equipment: a Commodore 64 computer, a Gemini dot-matrix printer and software called Write Now by Cardco. The paper was printed through Carolina Publications. It was distributed at club meetings to the members and also through local computer stores.
In This Issue (published November, 1984)
- Cheated... By a Cheatsheet!
- From The Editor's PEN Computer
- A Compleat Guide to Machine Language on the PET
- "New, Improved" DOS 5.1 Wedge
- A View From The Outside World - A look at "The Empire Strikes Back" video game
- The Computing Cynic
- Paranoia Department - A list of things that can go wrong with your floppy drive
- Hardware and Software - Review of the Aprospand-64 cartridge port expansion and Mr. Tester software for diagnosing problems with your Commodore 64.
- Loadstar - A look at the monthly disk magazine
- The Software Protection Handbook - An overview of the book and contents
- VIC Library Running Low on Gas - Sad truth that the VIC is losing popularity
- Tips on Using Paperclip - Good information for users of the Paperclip word processor
- Cassette Use Hints - Handeling and care for cassette users
- Stop Destroying Your Disk Drive... Use ANTIKNOCK! - A small program that can prevent programs from knocking the head.
- Crunching... - Tips and tricks for reducing the size of your BASIC program.
Original source is HERE - Thank you Mike Quigley for preserving the newsletter.
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