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Cardco Printer Utilities (VI Cardco Printer Utilities (VIC20)

Cardco was a peripheral manufacturer in the 1980's that created at least two printer interfaces for the Commodore 64 and VIC-20, they were the Card Print A and Card Print G.  I believe this printer utility disk may have accompanied one or both of those devices.  There are two programs on the disk, the first is a memory resident utility by Stephen Meirowsky that lets you do a screen dump, and the other is a utility by E.J. Lippert to print banners. Both programs appear to work on both a C64 and VIC-20 (The banner program requires 16K RAM on the VIC-20).  For more information about the Cardco printer interfaces, see this Wikipedia link.


SystemVIC 20
Size52.38 KB


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