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BigClipper BigClipper v3.0

BigClipper v3.0 by Nicholas J. Vrtis (1988) - BigClipper will allow you to make almost any size Photo Scrap you want from a geoPaint file. There are a few restrictions based on the way Photo Scraps are handled by geoWrite and geoPaint. The height and width must be an even multiple of 8 pixels. Also, since color information applies to an 8x8 square, and BigClipper does not require you to make your clipping on an even 8x8 square, BigClipper ignores color, and stores the clipping as Black on a Grey3 Background. There is a 20k buffer limit, so some clippings may be too big or complex to fit.

Thanks to Bruce Thomas for sending over this handy GEOS utility.  Bruce also included two geoPaint images in the archive; the first is a handy grid to assist in setting your clipping parameters in BigClipper and the other called "geoPaint Super 64/128 Size Chart" is an excellent reference for understanding the visible screen areas in geoPaint.  The Size Chart is based on Compute!'s Gazette June 1988 article in "the geos column" (Page 41). Both geoPaint images are also included as PDF files.


System Commodore 64
Size38.15 KB


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