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geoText v geoText v2.0a

geoText v2.0a Stefan Milcke - Release November 1st, 1990 - Translated to English by Paul Murdaugh and re-released on August 19, 2020.  geoText is a word process / text editor that works with geoWrite files.  A couple of notable features that make this different than geoWrite is the workflow is a continous feed instead of by pages, and it uses a fixed width 60 characters per line font.  Another feature / difference is that it uses end of line characters which can be a bit hard to look at, but come in handy to denote things like a page break.

Archive includes three versions - Original German, first release of English translation, and the final English release with text and icons translated.

  • Link to Facebook related thread


System Commodore 64
Size43.47 KB


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