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CADPAK-128 by Roy C. Wainright (Abacus) - One of our visitors has generously taken the time to create and share a perfect archive of not just one version of CADPAK-128, but two!  In this archive is the 1986/87 version of CADPAK-128 that used just the keyboard for drawing, AND the later 1987 version that added support for the 1351 mouse.  Both images are .g64, with the extra .nibdat for verifying the rip was clean.

The following is a quote from the CADPAK-128 manual describing the program: 

CADPAK-128 is a program for the Commodore 128 which helps you draw pictures and graphics designs easily and accurately. The drawings have a resolution of 640 points wide by 360 points high. When completed, the pictures are printed using a dot matrix printer in various sizes, depending on the printer. The drawings may be saved on disk, both as a protection against loss due to power failure and also for later recall and display.

Unlike other drawing systems, CADPAK allows you to get an exactly scaled printer output on your dot matrix printer. It also allows you to operate in the units of your drawing problem (feet, miles, etc.) and all
dimensions you see during the drawing process are those external dimensions. The scale factor is set up when the screen is initialized. The printer distortion is compensated for so that circles are printed as true circles.

Thank you Myke C. for archiving and sharing this Commodore history!

Note - Although both versions run in VICE 128, it didn't act as well as the Z64K Commodore 128 emulator, you mileage may vary.


System Commodore 128
Size523.97 KB


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