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Grafix-Link Grafix-Link v1.0

Grafix-Link v1.0 by Solutions Unlimited (1987) - Description from the manual:

Graftx-link Is a program to convert your Hi-res pictures and graphics flies to and from GEOS geoPaint format.  It has the ability to convert a Billboard Maker Sign directly into a geoPaint file and a full eighty column width and fifty row high geoPaint file into a Billboard Maker Sign. As with all Solutions Unlimited programs, It is menu driven and easy to use.  Through the use the cursor keys, all of the program functions are accessed.

Besides GEOS images, you can also load and save Billboard, Doodle, Flexi, Computer Eyes, Print Shop, Print Master & Newsroom formats.

Here's a link to the manual.


System Commodore 64
Size18.78 KB


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