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TBoard Painter V1.1 TBoard Painter V1.1 Pro

TBoard Painter v1.1 Pro by TAO/Triad - Excellent PETSCII editor that appears to be the third re-write as stated in the scroller, because the first two floppies with the application were de-magnitized,  as a result, the program was improved upon each time and... Wahala, we now have this nice Pro version that is especially nice for C*Base BBS owners because it has a "filter first byte" mode (C= + W).  Absolutely no clue what that means, but it's what the scroller says.  Now go forth and create!

Please don't judge this program from the screenshots.  It apparently doesn't initialize screen memory when it starts, so its populated with (random?) screen garbage. 


System Commodore 64
Size9.35 KB


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