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Easy Working Planner v Easy Working Planner v1.01

The Planner provides you with all the professional features of an electronic spreadsheet. You will find it useful for budgeting, doing tax calculation, expense reports, keeping track of gas mileage, preparing financial statements and many other applications. The Planner contains extensive mathematical operations to help you easily create your spreadsheet. Editing functions include insert, delete, copy and moving rows and columns which allows you to arrange your spreadsheets to suit your needs. You don't have to worry about running out of room on your spreadsheet since The Planner allows more than 50,000 row and column cells. You can exchange information with most other brands of spreadsheet (even the very expensive ones ) through the industry standard DIF file format. Interface The Planner with The Filer to do analysis of large data bases. Interface The Planner with The Writer to create reports with Financial displays.

Note - Does not like PAL based C64 emulation (use NTSC)


System Commodore 64
Size70.16 KB


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