Category: CMD Hard Drive
Downloads: 9
d64 floppy0 CMD Hard Drive GEOS Utilities HOT

This is the utility disk that comes with a CMD hard drive for enabling the GEOS operating system to use the device.

2016-12-26 English Commodore 64 46.29 KB 1,050 Download
d64 floppy1 CMD Hard Drive Utilities HOT

These are the utilities that come with a CMD hard drive.

2016-12-26 English Commodore 64 86.5 KB 1,494 Download
d64 floppy2 CMD HD Zip HOT

I found this program searching for a way to add a ZIP drive as storage to a CMD Hard Drive.  There are full docs on the disk but unfortunately I don't have any screenshots of the program in operation because I don't have a CMD HD hooked to my test rig.  Here is a blurb from the docs on the disk:

This porgram was written to use another SCSI  device  (e.g.  ZIP,
HD,  SyQuest) which is connected to a CMD-HD. There are two seve-
ral programs: One for the C128 (only 80 columns) and one for  the
C64.  The  assembly  program is used by both programs und must be
placed on the start drive.

cmd hd-zip-1
2015-10-12 English Commodore 64 37.34 KB 933 Download
zip3 CMD Native Tree

CMD Native Tree by Randy Harris - Simple utility to graphically print out the directory structure of a CMD Hard Drive (or CMD Floppy Drive) partition.  Program checks for a CMD device at start and won't run if it doesn't detect one.  Unfortunately, my CMD HD partition doesn't have any sub-directories to demo the tree graphics.

2023-04-30 English Commodore 64 2.49 KB 199 Download
d64 floppy4 CMD Reader (05-2016)

CMD Reader (05-2106 release) by L.A. Style of the Genesis Project is a backup program for CMD Hard Drive Partitions.  With this program you can copy a backup a CMD partition on Your C64 to a UIEC/SD or other SD2IEC device as a .DNP file which is mountable if your device has a newer firmware (think 0.10.3 or newer).  A 16 meg partition takes about 5 hours with Jiffy DOS.  Although that seems like a long time, it's worth the piece of mind and ease of use.  Just start it and go to bed.

2016-12-31 English Commodore 64 202.86 KB 851 Download
d64 floppy5 CMD Usage v1.2

CMD Usage by "Brush Cut" was released December 2nd, 1996.  This cool little utility will scan a CMD Hard Drive, Floppy Drive or RAMLink and report back detailed information on usage such as block count, blocks used and blocks free.  One thing to note:  When it scans your partitions, it will hang on a foreign partition or an unformatted partition.

cmd usage-2
2015-04-07 English Commodore 64 6.77 KB 790 Download
zip6 Partition v3.5

Partition v3.5 by Jerome P. Yoner - Partition Info is a program for viewing / printing the partition information on the CMD HD, RamLink, RamDrive and FD-2000/4000. The 128 version supports viewing the information in 80 coloumns when in 80 coloumn mode. The 64 & 128 versions printout the information in 80 coloumns.

2023-07-22 English Commodore 64 24.64 KB 188 Download
zip7 Partition v3.5 [C128]

Partition v3.5 by Jerome P. Yoner - Partition Info is a program for viewing / printing the partition information on the CMD HD, RamLink, RamDrive and FD-2000/4000. The 128 version supports viewing the information in 80 coloumns when in 80 coloumn mode. The 64 & 128 versions printout the information in 80 coloumns.

2023-07-22 English Commodore 128 24.64 KB 190 Download
zip8 Partition128 v3.1

Partition128 v3.1 by Jerome P. Yoner (c) 1991 is a Commodore 128 80-column utility for CMD hard drives, RAMLink and RAMDrive that lets you gather information about the partitions.  You can sort and print the information in various ways.  Full documentation is included on the disk.

partition128  v3.1-1
2018-03-14 English Commodore 128 12.55 KB 819 Download
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