Category: Amiga Articles & Guides
Downloads: 2
zip0 Amiga Disk Encoding Schemes

Amiga Disk Encoding Schemes by Betty Clay

Disk drives are fascinating things. When they work properly, they manage data and software so beautifully that there is little need to think about the way in which they do it. When something goes wrong though, the loss is (or can be) so great that the inner workings of the drive become of utmost importance.

2023-07-21 English PDF 38.05 KB 125 Download
zip1 DIY Joystick / Mouse Extension Cord

DIY Joystick / Mouse Extension Cord - By Solo761

Back between 2014 - 2017 there was a website called "16bitdust" hosted at the domain.  That site is no longer around, but a few of the posts have been archived by the Wayback Machine.  You can find the archive of this article here.  I used a utility called PrintFriendly to extract the article and convert it to PDF.

2023-07-21 English PDF 98.45 KB 109 Download
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