Category: Game Manuals [Amiga]
Downloads: 2
zip0 Adventures in Colorland: Space Sagas

Welcome to Adventures in Colorland: Space Sagas. In these four tales of outer space, you choose the characters and what happens to them. Each story has four pictures for you to color. You can also create your own designs. Before starting, read this booklet carefully. It will show you how to use the program, and tell you some more about the characters and their adventures.

2023-10-20 English PDF 7.24 MB 98 Download
pdf1 Their Finest Hour - The Battle of Britain Manual

Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain is a World War II air combat simulation that recreates the duel between the German Luftwaffe and British Royal Air Force waged in the skies above Britain from July to September 1940. When you play Their Finest Hour, you can fly for either the offensive-minded Germans or the defensive-minded British, and you can choose from a variety of Luftwaffe fighters, dive bombers, and medium bombers, or Royal Air Force (RAF) fighters. If you’re a British pilot, you’re defending your home country from an onslaught of Luft-waffe bomber and fighter attacks. If you’re a German pilot or crew member, you're trying to knock the RAF out of the air, as well as bomb land and sea targets, so that Operation Sea Lion — the invasion of England — can commence. Whichever side you choose — and we encourage you to play both — you'll experience a highly detailed, historically accurate recreation of those events from the summer of 1940, when the fate of the world was literally up in the air.

2023-07-03 English PDF 12.32 MB 141 Download
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