Category: Ultimate 64 Software
Downloads: 8
zip0 AutoKernel [Ultimate64]

AutoKernel by Scott Hunter is a modified C64 kernel ROM that will auto load and run the first BASIC program on device 8 when the computer is turned on.  This would be a great alternate kernel for something like the Ultimate64, unfortunately this would leave you without JiffyDOS.

Also included is a program by Ray Allen called SnappyLoader which is a BASIC menu that can be run by AutoKernel to assist in loading other programs.

2019-07-30 English Commodore 64 8.57 KB 699 Download
zip1 U64 Run [Ultimate64]

U64 Run by TTL is a neat little command line program you can use from a Windows shell to load and run a program on the Ultimate64 (Gideon).

Ex. - c:> u64run.exe test.prg

2019-07-30 English Windows 3.74 KB 642 Download
zip2 U64 Streamer v1.2

U64 Streamer v1.2 by M.F. Wieland is a Windows utilitiy that can accept an audio and / or video stream from the Ultimate 64 (Commodore 64 FPGA) and capture screens or video from the stream.

2019-07-29 English Windows 14.85 MB 704 Download
zip3 U64 Streamer v1.22

U64 Streamer v1.22 by M.F. Wieland is a Windows utilitiy that can accept an audio and / or video stream from the Ultimate 64 (Commodore 64 FPGA) and capture screens or video from the stream.

Website external 2020-05-14 English Windows 569.65 KB 524 Download
zip4 U64 Streamer v1.23

U64 Streamer v1.23 by M.F. Wieland is a Windows utilitiy that can accept an audio and / or video stream from the Ultimate 64 (Commodore 64 FPGA) and capture screens or video from the stream.

Website external 2020-05-14 English Windows 581.78 KB 600 Download
zip5 U64 Streamer v1.24

Changelog v1.24 (20/03/2021):

  • ~ Fixed: CTRL+C image capture key, was not working anymore
  • ~ Fixed: F1..F8 key assignment/remap
  • ~ Fixed: NTSC scaling optimalisation
  • ~ Fixed: Video frame processing optimalisation
  • + Added: mouse actions on outputImage. left click=toggle menu, right click=settings
  • + Added: U64 stream will be stopped when hitting “stop stream” button or closing app, if auto start/stop stream is enabled
  • + Added: new image scale algorithms to make output quality better.
  • + Added: screen resize / full screen function (PAL/NTSC), with realtime PAL/NTSC switching
  • + Added: scan line simulation, use with default or scale algorithm, nearest neighbour can create unwanted artifacts (values:Disabled..20%)
  • + Added: audio mute function
  • + Added: audio volume slider
  • + Added: menu position/visiblity optimalisation for different screen sizes/positions
  • + Added: window size and position saving
  • + Added: restore original size on double click on output window

*Note - This isn't the latest version.  As of 11/4/2021, v1.25 is the latest version.

2021-11-04 English 584.74 KB 240 Download
zip6 U64 Streamer v1.25

Changelog v1.25 (14/07/2021):

  • ~ Fixed: Double click on maximized window did not reset window to normal.
  • ~ Fixed: FPS calculation was wrong, fixed it.
  • ~ Fixed: Exception raised when window is minimised.
  • ~ Fixed: Various window position/size, save/restore issues.
  • ~ Fixed: some remote function crashed app when u64 is not reachable.
  • ~ Fixed: Menu is not controllable with keys anymore to prevent accidentally stop of stream.
  • ~ Update: .Net FrameWork 4.6.1 to 4.8
  • ~ Update: Optimized scanline simulation, total new processing.
  • + Added: Context menu, to open several function from the output window.
  • + Added: Multi frame capture function, capture xx frames to PNG files. Can be used to capture interlaced images.
  • + Added: Multi Frame Capture viewer, can be opened from the context menu.
  • + Added: CRTL+R function to reload last opened file (via dialog or drag and drop)
  • + Added: Ping stats to diag window.
  • + Added: Handling connection errors, added screens.
2021-11-04 595.09 KB 265 Download
zip7 Ultimate Opus v0.2

Ultimate Opus is a utility for the Ultimate cartridge or Ultimate 64 that lets you manage files either on USB or SD card.

2019-08-31 English Commodore 64 5.13 KB 607 Download
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