Category: Disk Utilities [VIC20]
Downloads: 5
zip0 Check Disk

Check Disk for the Commodore VIC-20 is a BASIC program that will check a floppy for bad blocks.  Warning - this program is very, very, very slow!

2021-08-13 English VIC 20 1.72 KB 323 Download
zip1 Display Track & Sector

Display Track & Sector is a disk utility for the Commodore VIC-20 written in BASIC, that lets you display in hex and graphic, the contents of any track & sector on a floppy disk.  Contents can be sent to the screen, or a printer.

2021-08-13 English VIC 20 2.71 KB 325 Download
zip2 Drive Performance Test

Drive Performance Test for the Commodore VIC-20 is a utility to test how your floppy drive is performing.

2021-08-13 English VIC 20 2.48 KB 318 Download
zip3 VIC Disk Tape

VIC Disk Tape is a program for the Commodore VIC-20 that lets you transfer files from disk to tape, or tape to disk.  Very handy!

2021-08-14 English VIC 20 4.05 KB 433 Download
zip4 View BAM

View BAM is a simple BASIC program for the Commodore VIC-20 that will graphically display the block allocation map [BAM] of a floppy disk.

2021-08-13 English VIC 20 1.94 KB 317 Download
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