Category: GEOS Auto Execs
Downloads: 4
zip0 1541U RTC v1.0 [GEOS]

1541U RTC by Torsten Kracke (Released December 12th, 2017) - This is a very handy GEOS Auto-Exec utility that will read the real-time clock on a 1541 Ultimate II / II+ or Ultimate 64 and set the time in GEOS during boot-up.  For this to work, you need to have v3.1a or newer firmware.  I tested this on an Ultimate 64 with firmware 3.10a, so I assume anything in between will work. 

Original source for this utility was which was discovered from a Facebook post in the Ultimate 64 group.

2023-02-11 English Commodore 64 966 B 189 Download
zip1 AutoClock v1.6

AutoClock v1.6 is a GEOS Auto-Exec utility that can set the time and date on boot-up.  It works with both the Commodore 64 and 128 versions of GEOS.  Back in 1991 when Rick Koch wrote this, there was a bug that caused the text in the box to get cut off when used on the Commodore 128 in 80 Column mode.  Bruce Thomas fixed this positioning error back in October 2021, but just today made one last tweak that now lets it properly save the date when used with the new version number.  

In the archive are both a GEOS format program and one in CONVERT format.

2022-10-31 Commodore 64 2.8 KB 208 Download
zip2 geoCham64-RTC

geoCham64-RTC v1.3 by Markus Kanet is a simple GEOS 64 utility for setting the time and date from the internal clock on the Turbo Chameleon 64, Ultimate 64 or 1541 Ultimate II / II+.  See the included documentation for more details on using this as a stand alone application or having it auto-set when booting GEOS.

Markus Kanet Website external 2020-06-10 German Commodore 64 2.31 KB 662 Download
zip3 RAMboot v1.1 [GEOS]

RAMboot v1.1 by Spike Dethman with additional credit to Joseph Thomas for the Drive RESCUE concept (Dated March 18th, 1993) - RAMboot is a GEOS 64 / 128 (40 & 80 column mode) Auto Exec that replaces the REU quick reboot with one that restores your disk drives to their proper locations, re-executes any Auto Exec files on the current disk and re-enters GEOS.  Requies a 1750, 1764 or clone RAM expansion.  Full documentation is on the disk.

2021-04-09 English Commodore 64 5.35 KB 683 Download
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