Category: Sequential File Tools [C128]
Downloads: 7
zip0 Break Up 128

Break Up 128 by Bob Umfer for the Commodore 128 (80 Columns) is a tool to divide up large .SEQ files.

2019-09-22 English Commodore 128 3.49 KB 577 Download
zip1 Browser 128 v1

Browser V1 by Rod Gasson (January 1st, 1995) is a nice tool for viewing various text based documents such as ASCII, PETSCII, ANSI, DAT and even BASIC in colorized format.  Super cool tool, but there is a newer version you can find here.

2021-04-04 English Commodore 128 11.48 KB 410 Download
d64 floppy2 Browser v2 HOT

Browser V2, in its simplest form, can be considered little more than a text reader. However, it does have several features that makes it stand apart from all other CBM text readers, including: * The ability to read HUGE text files and BASIC listings (up to about 16meg) with paging and backscrolling facilities. >>>>> REU is NOT required. <<<< This program is truly amazing! Full docs and features are on the disk. Add this to your tool collection.

browser v2
2015-03-22 English Commodore 128 19.82 KB 1,039 Download
zip3 File Slicer 128

File Slicer 128 for the Commodore 128 (80 Columns) is a super simple / small ML utility for turning a single file into multiple files. Don't forget to use DLOAD in 80 Column mode.

2019-09-24 English Commodore 128 1.36 KB 676 Download
zip4 Multi Read-Write-Print 128

Multi Read-Write-Print 128 for the Commodore 128 is a utility to handle various operations on sequential files.

2019-09-24 English Commodore 128 2.59 KB 708 Download
zip5 Sequential File Read / Print

Sequential File Read / Print by Roger B. Fry with Commodore 128 mods by Paul Hulse.

2019-09-10 English Commodore 128 2.89 KB 691 Download
zip6 Sprint 128

Sprint 128 for the Commodore 128 (80 Columns) is a file reader.  It can read both sequential and program files.

2019-09-25 English Commodore 128 3.36 KB 706 Download
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