Category: BASIC Tools [C128]
Downloads: 7
d64 floppy0 AID 128 HOT

I can't tell you much about this programming aid other than the list of commands it offers as seen in the screenshot and the fact that it was programmed by the famous Jim Butterfield.

2015-10-09 English Commodore 128 2.09 KB 1,053 Download
zip1 Append BASIC 128

Append BASIC 128 is a utility for the Commodore 128 that lets you append some source code from one file to the end of another.

2019-09-10 English Commodore 128 10.27 KB 823 Download
zip2 Big Ed Enhanced C128 Basic Editor NEW

Big Ed by Kenneth Kahl (1989) is a 40 or 80 column extension to BASIC for the Commodore 128 with many features to enhance and extend the normal editor.

2025-01-10 4.51 KB 27 Download
d64 floppy3 C128 Data Maker HOT

C128 Data Maker by Richard Best lets you convert a range of memory into Commodore 128 BASIC Data statements.  You can use this to load ML back into memory from a BASIC program.

c128 data maker
2016-06-17 English Commodore 128 2.17 KB 1,055 Download
d64 floppy4 Compactor 128 HOT

Compactor 128 is a small utility for BASIC programs that will scan through your code and remove REM's and spaces and will also combine lines whenever possible to make the program size smaller and conserve RAM.

compactor 128
2015-04-12 English Commodore 128 3.38 KB 1,064 Download
d64 floppy5 Pretty Lister 128 HOT

What can I say? This is a C128 program (80 column) that will print out a pretty looking BASIC list of a program. The source code for the program is included.

pretty lister 1280
2015-04-02 English Commodore 128 10.74 KB 1,008 Download
zip6 Uncompact 128

Uncompactor 128 by Robert W. Baker is a BASIC utility for expanding a program so that multiple commands on a line are broken out into single lines.  This will obviously make your program bigger, but possibly easier to debug.

If you want to do the opposite to a BASIC program, check out Compactor 128.

2024-08-03 English Commodore 128 2.08 KB 66 Download
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