Category: BASIC Compilers [C128]
Downloads: 3
d64 floppy0 Basic 128 Compiler v1.00 HOT

1984,1985 Data Becker, Thomas Helbig & (c)1985 Abacus Software. BASIC 128 allows you to convert a BASIC program into a compiled machine language program for significant increases in speed.

basic 128 compiler v1.00
2015-04-11 English Commodore 128 51.22 KB 2,217 Download
zip1 Blitz! 128 HOT

Blitz BASIC Compiler for the Commodore 128

2019-09-07 English Commodore 128 27.92 KB 1,630 Download
d64 floppy2 Pet Speed 128 v2.4 HOT

Pet Speed is a BASIC 7 compiler for the Commodore 128. It offers significant speed enhancement to program written in BASIC by converting them to machine language. This is a full version, so you will need the manual to get past the copy protection that has you identify a color from a matrix. Check out for the manual.

pet speed 128 v2.4
2015-04-11 English Commodore 128 67.75 KB 1,712 Download
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