Category: C128 - Cartridges & ROMS
Number of Subcategories: 1
folder0Diagnostic ROMS [C128]
Downloads: 10

Basic 8 is a new and exciting programming environment for the C128 computer owner.  It allows you to use an entirely new aspect of graphics on the C128, graphics that actually exceed the high resolution and power that the C128 and C64 user have come to expect.  Yet it does so while being compatible with the existing advanced non-graphic commands of Basic 7.0 that are built into the computer.

Note:  This is a binary (.bin) ROM image

Link - Manual

2019-09-21 English Commodore 128 15.18 KB 2,141 Download
zip1 BASIC 9.1 (C128 ROM) HOT

BASIC 9.1 ROM is actually the BASIC 2 ROM from the C64.

2019-09-21 English Commodore 128 6.68 KB 1,403 Download
zip2 Dolphin DOS 3 ROM [C128]

Dolphin DOS is a Kernal ROM (and drive ROM) replacement utilising a parallel cable.  This is archive is a Commodore 128 kernel ROM of Dolphin DOS 3.  Additional information and downloads for Dolphin DOS can be found on the Dolphin DOS wiki and the Silver Dream website.

2024-01-16 English Commodore 128 12.4 KB 224 Download
zip3 GEOS 128 (ROM - 1571 US Version) HOT

GEOS 128 (ROM) - USA version with 1571 as device 8.

Burn this filea into a 32k EPROM and insert it into U36 socket in C128. You can bypass its execution by holding RUN/STOP or C= key during power-up or reset. It will drop you into machine monitor (exit by 'x') or C64 mode.

2019-09-21 English Commodore 128 24.56 KB 1,697 Download
zip4 GEOS 128 (ROM - 1581 US Version) HOT

Burn this filea into a 32k EPROM and insert it into U36 socket in C128. You can bypass its execution by holding RUN/STOP or C= key during power-up or reset. It will drop you into machine monitor (exit by 'x') or C64 mode.

2019-09-21 English Commodore 128 24.52 KB 1,542 Download
zip5 KeyDOS v2.3 (C128 ROM) HOT

KeyDOS ROM is a chip that contains 20 new function key definitions and 20 great utilities. KeyDOS ROM is easy to install in the empty ROM socket in any C128 or C128D. KeyDOS ROM can also be installed in the space for an empty socket in Commodore 1700, 1764, and 1750 RAM Expansion Units.

2019-09-22 English Commodore 128 20 KB 1,594 Download
zip6 The Servant (C128 ROM) HOT

THE SERVANT offers a plethora of nifty utilities and convenience features designed to make your computing life easier and more fun. This goes even if you never use the 128-mode at all. THE SERVANT is designed with maximum convenience, compatibility and security in mind, making it unusual or even unique in many ways. But they all say that don't they?

Link - Manual & Disks

2019-09-21 English Commodore 128 22.62 KB 1,998 Download
zip7 The Servant (C128 ROM) Manual HOT

THE SERVANT offers a plethora of nifty utilities and convenience features designed to make your computing life easier and more fun. This goes even if you never use the 128-mode at all. THE SERVANT is designed with maximum convenience, compatibility and security in mind, making it unusual or even unique in many ways. But they all say that don't they?

2019-09-21 English PDF 542.22 KB 3,291 Download
zip8 The Servant v4.84 HOT

The Servant is a ROM-based utility package designed Exclusively for the Commodore 128.  This archive includes 4 disk images that include the associated utilities and documentation needed to create and burn the ROM from scratch.

For a PDF version of the manual / documentation click here.  For an already created ROM image click here.

2020-05-17 English Commodore 128 236.66 KB 1,355 Download
zip9 Turbo Assembler (C128 ROM) HOT

Turbo Assmebler (C128 ROM) is an assembler (Turbo Illasm V3.0 by Lynchbit/Lepsi) for the C64 that copies itself into the appropriate place in RAM and then switches to 64-mode.

2019-09-22 English Commodore 128 11.51 KB 1,365 Download
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