Category: Label Making Tools [C128]
Downloads: 6
zip0 Disk Numbering Label System

This is a program I wrote to create large numbers on 1x2.75 inch labels.  It is set up for the Star NX-1000 printer, but I have included complete documentation in the form of REM statements. If you have another type of printer, you need to know the
control codes for Quadruple print (width & height), line spacing (for the 1x2.75in labels, 18/72nds works perfectly, for other size labels, you'll need to trial and error to get the right spacing).

2019-09-25 English Commodore 128 3.81 KB 642 Download
d64 floppy1 Label Quick 128 v2.0 HOT

Released in 1988 by Wine Cellar Software Ltd. by William R. Duemler. This 80 column program will print two columns with each label approximately 3 inches wide by 1 1/2 inches long.

label quick 128 v2.0
2015-04-02 English Commodore 128 10.2 KB 967 Download
zip2 Leroy's Label Maker 128 v2.1

Leroy's Label Maker 128 v2.1 by Leroy Pettis (Keystone Software) is an excellent program for creating floppy disk, file card, audio cassette, name bade, video casette, shipping, and many more types of labels.

2020-10-28 English Commodore 128 42.07 KB 688 Download
d64 floppy3 Print Shop Label Maker 128 HOT

1985 by Brian Heyboer. Print Shop Graphics Label Maker prints standard one inch labels using Print Shop graphics and text of your choice on Epson and compatible printers.

print shop label maker 128
2015-04-02 English Commodore 128 3.64 KB 957 Download
zip4 Universal Product Code Creator 128

Universal Product Code Creator 128 by Piskac Bakery Software for the Commodore 128.  This is a unique program that lets you create and print barcode labels.

2019-09-20 English Commodore 128 13.03 KB 780 Download
zip5 VHS Label Maker 128

Because everyone in this day and age needs to make labels for their VHS tapes, I present you with VHS Label Maker for the Commodore 128 in 80 column mode.  Go forth and create labels!

2019-09-10 English Commodore 128 2.35 KB 786 Download
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