Category: Graphic Viewers [C128]
Downloads: 4
zip0 IPaint Viewing System v1.2 HOT

IPaint Viewing System v1.2 for the Commodore 128 is a graphics viewer for images created with IPaint.  Quite amazing what the C128 could do.

Note:  Requires Z64K emulator to display properly or a real Commodore 128 of course.

2019-09-17 English Commodore 128 35.38 KB 948 Download
d64 floppy1 Movie Make / View 128 HOT

Movie Make / View 128 by Timothy R. Purvis. This is one of those really trivial but COOL programs. It basically takes the 80 column 128 screen and splits it in half vertically. One side if for making/watching c/g movies and the other is the menu and controls. For 10 blocks of code this thing is really amazing! Docs and a sample movie are on the disk.

movie 128
2015-04-02 English Commodore 128 10.29 KB 1,136 Download
zip2 Quick Basic8 Picture Viewer v3.5 [C128]

Quick Basic8 Picture Viewer v3.5 by Martin Hoffman (Developed between 1993-1995) is a very neat little program for viewing some amazing graphics pictures which are included on three extra disk images in this archive.  I've included just a few of them to show you what our old Commodore 128 is capable of.

2020-05-22 English Commodore 128 94.74 KB 854 Download
zip3 STView ][ 128 HOT

STView ][ by FutureSoft is a Commodore 128 80 column viewer for graphics created by the Degas Image Editor (Atari ST program).  There are a few images included on the disk.

STView    80-1
2017-10-20 English Commodore 128 27.95 KB 1,120 Download
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