Category: Wheels
Downloads: 3
zip0 GEOS Wheels "The Wave" Source Code

“The Wave” is a Web Browser for GEOS (with the Wheels extension) on C64/C128 machines with a SuperCPU and a RAM extension.

2019-09-17 English Commodore 64 241.74 KB 770 Download
zip1 Wheels 64 v4.4 ToolBox Update - Release 2

Wheels 64 v4.4 ToolBox Update - Release 2 by Paul Murdaugh (Released February 25th, 2021) - This update adds support for a 4MB geoRAM and geoRAM clones on top of the 16MB REU support from the first release.

2021-02-28 English Commodore 64 28.69 KB 580 Download
zip2 Wheels64 Upgrade v4.4

This is a Wheels 4.4 upgrade that can be applied to Wheels 4.2.  Original source is from Facebook and can be found here.

2023-05-06 English Commodore 64 67.84 KB 160 Download
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