Category: Image BBS Mailings
Downloads: 5
zip0 From the Top (Image BBS)

From the Top is a 12 page newsletter for Image BBS sysops.  Some of the highlights include a shout out to Ray Kelm (AKA "Professor") and some of the wonderful stuff he did for Image, some reviews of games available for Image BBS, some talk about using an REU with Image BBS, unknown MCI commands, all the changes to Image BBS v1.0 since 10/88 and more.  Give it a read, it's worth the time.

2020-06-30 English PDF 811.81 KB 495 Download
zip1 Image Reflection (Image BBS)

This 10 page mailing was supposed to be a full issue of "Image Reflections" but it apparently didn't have enough content to warrant that, so instead it's just a mailing that highlights some of the things coming up in 1989 related to Image BBS.  Some interesting tid bits and history worth reading.

2020-06-30 English PDF 696.01 KB 533 Download
zip2 NISSA News (Image BBS)

NISSA News is a short two page mailing that went out to Image sysops and was accompanied by a Plus files disk.  It talks about a upcoming third Pfiles disk and some other events happening in 1989.

2020-06-30 English PDF 185.19 KB 456 Download
zip3 The Image Reflection (Image BBS)

The Image Reflection is a short two page mailing that thanks Image BBS Sysops for making the BBS a success and talking about the new enhancements coming to Image BBS v1.1.

2020-06-30 English PDF 144.42 KB 412 Download
zip4 The Reflection (Image BBS)

The Reflection is a short six page mailing that talks about the move of New Image headquarters, the release of Image BBS v1.2, events coming up, and a listing of various Image BBSes.

P.S. - You can find all the issues of "The Reflection" newsletter here.

2020-06-30 English PDF 381.7 KB 419 Download
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