Category: Cassiopei v2.0 Firmware
Downloads: 3
zip0 Cassiopei v2.0 Firmware (v20190119)
  • added: SD-card bootloader functionality
  • added: telnet functionality
  • experimental: functionality to support full motion video on VIC-20 in combination with the user port add-on (not available to the public yet)
2020-02-01 English Commodore 64 244.68 KB 334 Download
zip1 Cassiopei v2.0 Firmware (v20190530)
  • bugfix: backup/restore mode always used C64PAL mode, causing confusion and problems when trying to backup/restore tapes for other systems then the C64 (solved)
  • bugfix: changing computermodel settings requires file settings to be updated, but the user was never notified of that causing confusion in some cases (solved)
  • bugfix: When virtual file mode was selected, the filename shown was not representing the virtualfilemode configuration (solved)
  • bugfix: Problem loading TAPfiles on a VIC-20 (improved pulse timing resolution for higher accuracy)
  • bugfix: Problem when starting the TAP file the system might jump into stop playing tap very short after (improved button debounce)
  • known bug: this release introduced a LOAD ERROR on the C128, however, everything is loaded fine, so you can RUN without problems. Meaning that you can safely ignore the LOAD ERROR message and continue. However, this isn't the way it was intended but wasn't noticed until october 2019 during testing of a new firmware release.
2020-02-01 English Commodore 64 245.03 KB 327 Download
zip2 Cassiopei v2.0 Firmware (v20191027)
  • added: previous and next page buttons are now also available in the webinterface
  • added: improved settings on webinterface (when the menu is exit normally, it prevents further use)
  • added: start loading from webinterface (when the menu is exit & save, it allows for playback of the file, just type load on your CBM and then press the select button in the menu and playback will start)
  • added: when wifi is enabled and a connection is made, a QR-code is shown (if enabled) on the display to allow for a quick and easy connection to the device.
  • bugfix: unreliable data transfer problem (a problem that was only present in release 20191013 and 20191006)
2020-02-01 English Commodore 64 250.62 KB 351 Download
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