Category: Ultimate Term
Downloads: 2
zip0 Ultimate Term 2.3 [Ultimate 64]

Ultimate Term v2.3 by Scott Hutter & Francesco Sblendorio is a telnet terminal program for calling a PETSCII / ASCII BBS over the internet.  This program requires either an Ultimate 64 or 1541 Ultimate II+ as it needs ethernet.

2019-09-11 English Commodore 64 57.21 KB 724 Download
zip1 UltimateTerm v2.4 HOT

UltimateTerm v2.4 by Scott Hutter & Francesco Sblendorio for the Commodore 64/128 (Released Dec. 7th, 2020) - Besides being an awesome terminal program for the 1541Ultimate II+ and Ultimate 64, there is also an IRC client called UltimateChat for both the C64 & C128 in the archive.

This version fixes a bug (Fixed by Bart Van Leeuwen) so that it works properly with the Ultimate Firmware v3.9 (1541Ultimate II+) / 1.37 (Ultimate64)

2020-12-07 English Commodore 64 57.59 KB 988 Download
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