Category: Language / Grammar (Educational)
Downloads: 4
zip0 C64 Italian Language Course NEW

Have you ever wanted to learn a little Italian?  Well now's your chance!  Bruce Thomas sent over this neat package containing a full set of 10 courses along with documentation!  Here's a snippet from the manual:

The course consists of 10 sections, covering a number of topics, such as furniture, colours, clothes, family, garden, time, restaurant, food, numbers, business, travelling, car, beach, places and people, emergency and useful words, days of week, months of year. The course starts with a number of animal words.

The Gruneberg Linkword Language System is a system for teaching foreign languages which is much faster, easier and more enjoyable than normal methods of language teaching. In ten hours you will learn a vocabulary of about 400 words and a basic grammar. This will help you to understand and to be understood should you travel to an Italian speaking country or talk to a native Italian speaker. Of course there will he gaps in your vocabulary and your knowledge of grammar, but you will be surprised at how quickly and easily you learn the basics of Italian.

One of the ways in which the system works is to use visual images. An English word is linked by means of a visual image, to another English word which sounds like the Italian word. For example The Italian for cat is gatto Imagine a cat eating a large gateau You imagine this picture in your mind's eve as vividly as you can. When you are given the word ‘gatto’ you will immediately think of a cat eating a large gateau and will remember that the Italian for cat is gatto.

Thanks for sharing Bruce!

2025-01-29 English Commodore 64 3.85 MB 16 Download
zip1 French Tutor NEW

Since I recently posted the Italian Language Course that Bruce Thomas shared, I figure why not post another language program.  This time you get French Tutor a program from the April 1984 Compute!s Gazette magazine Issue 10 on page 70.  Here is a quote from the magazine:

"French Tutor" is a helpful study aid designed for those learning or strengthening French vocabulary and translation skills—English to French, or French to English.

2025-01-31 English Commodore 64 4.47 KB 5 Download
zip2 Micro Learn English SAT Test

Very old English SAT testing program by Micro Learn for the Commodore 64.

2020-12-05 English Commodore 64 46.26 KB 446 Download
zip3 Spelling Critter

Spelling Critter by Baracuda is a neat educational tool for teaching kids how to spell on the Commodore 64. What makes this program so neat, is that it uses S.A.M. the software automated mouth to communicate with the user.  The way the game works is; someone (presumably a parent) puts in a list of words spelled correctly, then the child is asked to spell those words as they are presented.  It's a bit like flashcards in that each word is briefly shown to the child before being asked to input the correct spelling.

Thanks for sharing this Baracuda.

2024-09-02 English Commodore 64 17.28 KB 60 Download
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