Category: CBterm
Downloads: 5
d64 floppy0 CBterm v4.2

By Chrisdos, 1985. This was a terminal program supported by the sysop of the Compuserve SIG CBIG. Full docs are on the disk.

cbterm v4.2
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 80.22 KB 700 Download
d64 floppy1 CBterm v5.0

Released in 1985 by Chrisdos. This is a 40/80 column terminal program with lots of options.

cbterm v5.0
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 11.75 KB 715 Download
d64 floppy2 CBterm v5.5

By Chrisdos. 80 column term, don't know much else about it.

cbterm v5.5
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 17.81 KB 672 Download
d64 floppy3 CBterm v6.6

Updated version of the 80 Col. terminal program. Additional Hewlett Packard compatability added by Tony Romer.

cbterm v6.6
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 10 KB 652 Download
d64 floppy4 CBterm v6.7

Updated version of the 80 Col. terminal program. Additional Hewlett Packard compatability added by Tony Romer.

cbterm v6.7
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 18.28 KB 791 Download
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