Category: Action Replay
Downloads: 6
zip0 Action Replay v5.0 HOT

From some brief research it appears this is a hacked version of Action Replay 4.2 Pro. According to the Action Replay wiki this doesn't seem unusual:

"There are several sub-versions of the english 5.2, but they strangely enough appear to be changes from the 4.2 versions without the major code update which happened towards the official 5.0 version. This seems to be partly caused by incorrect or confusing numbering from Toolkit and fastload version numbers."

2019-07-05 English Commodore 64 23.34 KB 1,164 Download
zip1 Action Replay v5.0 (Fairlight) HOT

Here we have a hacked version of what appears to be the Action Replay v5.0  (.CRT) cartridge.  All mods apparently by Bacchus of Fairlight in 1989.

2019-07-05 English Commodore 64 24.33 KB 1,170 Download
zip2 Action Replay v6.0 HOT

Action Replay by Datel in 1989 - This archive is a .CRT cartridge image which works with the VICE emulator.

2019-07-05 English Commodore 64 24.32 KB 2,926 Download
zip3 Action Replay v6.0 (TRIAD) HOT

Wow, go figure, TRIAD had to release a hacked version of Action Replay v6.0, how cool is that?!? NOT.

2019-07-05 English Commodore 64 24.24 KB 1,005 Download
zip4 Action Replay v7.0 (Hacked) HOT

Action Replay .CRT Cartridge 7.0 by Triumwyrat Studio in 1990 - Can't find any info on what's new about this cart, so it's likely some 10 year olds hack to replace the version info.

2019-07-05 English Commodore 64 24.09 KB 1,000 Download
zip5 Action Replay v7.5 (Hacked) HOT

Another hacked version of the Action Replay cartridge.  

2019-07-05 English Commodore 64 24.27 KB 1,602 Download
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