Category: Dis-Assemblers
Downloads: 6
d64 floppy0 All Op Dis-Assembler

1987 by Ml Bug. The All-Op-Disassembler disassembles all 256 6510 machine language op-codes. The un-implemented op-codes, when dissasembled are shown in reverse print. Docs are on the disk.

all ops disassembler
2015-04-11 English Commodore 64 4.2 KB 883 Download
d64 floppy1 Disassembler 64 HOT

This handy disk dis-assembler is from the January 86 Computer Gazette. This is one of the easiest to use dis-assemblers that features not only screen and printer but also disk output.

disassember 64
2015-04-11 English Commodore 64 5.26 KB 996 Download
d64 floppy2 Disk Reader

This cool utility can read out to screen or printer a directory, BASIC program, disassembled machine code and any PETSCII file.

disk reader0
2015-04-02 English Commodore 64 5.18 KB 809 Download
d64 floppy3 Disk Un-Assembler

1987 by ML Bug. Disk Un-Assembler is kinda cool. It will take a machine language program and turn it into a readable BASIC program. It's unlike de-blitz in that it works on programs that weren't compiled, but instead are straight machine language. Docs are on the disk.

disk un-assembler
2015-04-11 English Commodore 64 3.54 KB 831 Download
zip4 Resident Un-Assembler v1.0

Resident Unassemebler by Kevin Pickell released December 1983.  Unfortunately I can't find any information at all about this program.  

resident unassembler 1.0-1
2017-08-26 English Commodore 64 3.15 KB 713 Download
d64 floppy5 SymbolMaster 2.2 Dis-assembler HOT

Symbol Master is a Multi pass Symbolic Disassembler for the Commodore 64 & 128.  Disk contains lots of examples and documentation.  Thanks go to Dragos for this contribution.

Link - Manual

symbol master 2.2 1
2015-04-13 English Commodore 64 80.07 KB 1,070 Download
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