Category: C-Net
Downloads: 5
zip0 C-Net 64 BBS v12.0 Manual HOT

C-Net 64 version 12,0 is the result of many, many hours of careful programming in we feel, the finest BBS system available anywhere for the Commodore 64 computer. We consider this new version of the most popular C-64 BBS to be the LARGEST step in making C-Net 64 very efficient, easy to modify, (for the do-it-yourselfer), and fast! We plan, in future versions, to improve even more, but this version has been re-structured to make all these things not only possible, but simple! Both the basic portions of the program and the machine language have been carefully screened and changed for efficiency and speed.

2021-11-29 English PDF 10.31 MB 940 Download
d64 floppy1 C-Net BBS 10.0 HOT

C-Net BBS v10.0 by Perspective Software - Release January 7th, 1986.

2016-12-25 English Commodore 64 100.7 KB 979 Download
zip2 C-Net BBS v12 P-File & Modifiers Guide

You are about to enter a whole new world that you never knew existed!  Since you have purchased this manual, you are probably a C-Net 64 sysop who loves to run a BBS, but now comes the opportunity to add your own personal touches by modifying your system the way YOU want it!  This manual was written to make it as easy as possible to change the C-Net v12 program to do what you want it to, and the way that you want it to do it!

2020-02-21 English PDF 12.65 MB 846 Download
zip3 C-Net BBS v9.6 HOT

C-Net BBS was one of the best and earliest BBS programs for the Commodore 64.  C-Net made it to version 12.0 before transofrming into DS2 or Image because of a parting of ways from developers.

C-Net BBS 9.6-1
2017-10-09 English Commodore 64 71.71 KB 1,582 Download
zip4 C-Net DS-II Manual

Welcome to the world of telecommunications on your Commodore 64.  C-Net BBS ls, In our opinion, the most sophisticated bulletin board system available for your Commodore 64.  Please take the time to completely read through the introductory and set-up procedures oriented chapters of this manual before attempting to operate the program -- thls will help to insure a successful configuration the first time.

2020-02-21 English PDF 1.02 MB 728 Download
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