Category: Multi Function Tools
Downloads: 30
d64 floppy0 Bloedes Disk Tool HOT

Cracked in 1985 by Antiram, Jedi & CGS - Bloedes Disk Tool is an array of functions to work with disk data such as searching for bytes, transfering blocks, finding allocated blocks, etc...

bloedes disk tools-1
2015-11-01 English Commodore 64 29.04 KB 965 Download
d64 floppy1 Commander 64 v1.0 HOT

Written by Michael Harvey, Commander 64 is a straight forward disk utility with multiple functions such as format disk, copy files, check for errors, scratch files, validate disk, etc... instructions are built into the program.

commander 64 v1.0
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 6.81 KB 1,499 Download
zip2 Crack & Copy System v3.5
Crack & Copy System v3.5 released by Hacman in 1986 - This two disk set is a collection of utilities for various disk related activities such as copying, sector editing, directory sorting, etc... Disk 2 contains a version of Fast Hack'em claiming to be version 3.10 but it's just a hacked up version. crack-and-copy-system-v3.5-1
2020-10-29 English Commodore 64 138.55 KB 672 Download
d64 floppy3 Directory Repairman 3 HOT

Released by CSD - Dir. Repair 3 is a multi-function tool that can do things such as: write / un-write protect a disk, repair a directory, follow dir chains, allocate track 18, fix pointers, free unused blocks, etc...

directory repairman 3
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 11.39 KB 994 Download
zip4 Disk Commander

Disk Commander by Melody Hall Pub, Released in 1986 is  a multi-function disk tool for the Commodore 64.  There are over a dozen commands for all sorts of file related functions.  Check out the screenshot to see what's available.

2020-05-30 English Commodore 64 9.39 KB 845 Download
d64 floppy5 Disk Ease HOT

Disk Ease is your standard multi function disk tool with features such as directory sorting, disk error check, program merging, file copy and more.

disk ease
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 6.24 KB 995 Download
d64 floppy6 Disk Magic 1541 v2 HOT

Disk Magic 1541 was created by Christopher T. Scovel and released in 1988.  This program is full of great utilities for dealing with floppies on the 1541 disk drive.

dm 1541 v2-1
2015-10-04 English Commodore 64 25.77 KB 984 Download
d64 floppy7 Disk Magic 1541 v3 HOT

Released April 1989 by Christopher T. Scovel. This nice utility has a utility for just about every disk related chore you might have. Docs are on the disk, but the screenshot pretty much sums it up.

disk magic 1541 v3
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 25.19 KB 1,397 Download
d64 floppy8 Disk Mate v1.0 HOT

Written by David Stewart (Cooldaddy) - Diskmate is a multi-function disk tool that can format a disk, validate a disk, view an seq file, erase files, hide a directory and zero out files. Docs built into program.

disk mate v1.0
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 5.72 KB 944 Download
zip9 Disk Util

Disk Util by D.C. Williamson - Nothing fancy here, but gets the job done when you have a few disk cleaning chores.

2023-05-01 English Commodore 64 2.97 KB 182 Download
zip10 Disk Utility Wedge HOT

Disk Utility Wedge by Jim Klitzing is a multi-fuction utility for the Commodore 64.  There are full docs on the disk.  Here's an excerpt from the docs:

I wrote this program with several objectives in mind.... I wanted to be able to access a lot of utility programs without having to load them in every  time I wanted to use one. Also, I did not want it to slow down the running of  programs, change any of the standard basic commands, nor use up any of the  basic memory space. I also wanted to be able to use abbreviated DOS commands.

 The wedge resides in memory from hex $a001 to $cfff. Any program that does not use memory in this range should be able to co-exist. When Micromon is in  use, the casette buffer is also used. About 2/3 of the memory used by the
 wedge is under the basic rom. Since the wedge is all machine language, basic  is not needed to perform any of the wedge commands, and is switched out  (temporarily) while they are being performed. All wedge commands must be
 preceeded by an asterisk (*). The asterisk tells basic (direct mode only) that  the command that follows should be turned over to the wedge interpreter.

A newer version of this program can be found HERE.

2019-02-05 English Commodore 64 20.13 KB 960 Download
d64 floppy11 Disk Workshop HOT

By Bob Marquis. This utility does multiple things such as format disk, initialize drive, validate disk, rename file, etc... but the one thing that stood out was the ability to join two seq files.

disk workshop
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 7.14 KB 931 Download
d64 floppy12 Disk Workshop/CSD HOT

This is a moded version of Disk Workshop by CSD. Multi drive support has been added as well as some relative file functions.

disk workshop csd
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 13.08 KB 905 Download
zip13 Disky Business

Disky Business by Jeff Holbrook is a pretty simple set of utility functions for dealing with basic floppy disk tasks on a Commodore 64 with a 1541 floppy drive.  A couple features I like about this program are that it works with drives other than just device #8 and that it has the ability to move a file on the disk into the first position for using load "*",8,1.  The program has many other abilities which you can see in the screenshots.

2024-03-04 English Commodore 64 5.82 KB 143 Download
d64 floppy14 DOS in BASIC HOT

DOS in BASIC is a simple BASIC program that displays a directory and then lets you load, run, scratch, rename or copy a file from the displayed directory.

dos in basic
2015-03-21 English Commodore 64 2.78 KB 905 Download
d64 floppy15 Format Editor v2 HOT

Format-Editor is a multi-purpose disk tool that can: check a disk for errors, check a single track for errors, write protect a disk, un-write protect a disk, rewrite the BAM, create error, repair a track, format a disk and issue disk commands.

format-editor v2.0
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 10.62 KB 978 Download
zip16 Function Keys 64

Functions Keys 64 - Your standard multi-function disk tool for renaming, deleting, validating, formating, locking/unlocking files and printing directories or sequential files.  Support multiple drives (1541 / 1571 only)

2023-05-02 English Commodore 64 7.98 KB 190 Download
zip17 Help DOS v1.0

Help DOS v1.0 by Titan is just a small little program that can format a disk, scratch a file, rename a file and validate a disk.  The best feature of this program is the cool font it uses.

2017-04-23 English Commodore 64 3.02 KB 834 Download
zip18 Klitzing's Utility Wedge

Kltizing's Utility Wedge by Jim Klitzing - This is a really nice multi-function utility with some great features for BASIC programmers, incuding auto-numbering, re-numbering, multi-line delete and un-new.  A few of the features I like include the mini-word processor, the ability to print hi-res, lo-res (PETSCII), and SEQ files.  There is also a machine language monitor (Micromon) and even a terminal program.  This program really has a little of something for everyone.

2023-01-22 English Commodore 64 33.71 KB 281 Download
d64 floppy19 Kwik Load HOT

This cool little utility is mis-named in my opinion.  Not only is it a file copier, it is also a disk editor and drive speed checker.  I don't believe it actually has any quickload feature at all.  

kwik load 1
2015-04-21 English Commodore 64 7.89 KB 940 Download
d64 floppy20 Magic Dos

Magic Dos by Dietmar Schreiner was released in 1987.  Although this multi-function tool only handles the usual DOS chores, it has a nice clean interface.

magic dos-1
2015-10-08 English Commodore 64 4.8 KB 887 Download
d64 floppy21 Midnight Programmers Utility Kit HOT

Written by Dr. Midnight. This handy utility kit has just about everything you could need for disk / file / programming jobs. Take a look at the screen shot to get an idea of all the features. There are also Docs on the disk.

midnight programmers utility kit
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 19.44 KB 1,085 Download
d64 floppy22 Pirate's Toolbox v3.5b HOT

Pirate's Toolbox v3.5b is a nice collection of tools for doing just about anything to a disk. 

NOTE:  Not all of the modules seem to work, but most do.  I have looked at many copies of Pirate's Toolbox, and this is the only one that was mostly working.

pirates toolbox-2
2015-11-01 English Commodore 64 91.51 KB 997 Download
d64 floppy23 Super 81 Utilities HOT

A complete utilities package for the 1581 disk drive and Commodore 64. - Copy whole disks from 1541 or 1571 format to 1581 partitions. - Copy 1541 or 1571 files to 1581 disks. - Copy 1581 files to 1571 disks. - Backup 1581 disks or files with 1 or 2 1581s. - 1581 Disk Editor, Drive Monitor & RAM Writer. - Perform many CP/M and MS-DOS utility functions. - Complete DOS manager.

super 81 utilities
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 8.99 KB 1,523 Download
d64 floppy24 Super Disc Access HOT

By T. Shore. Features: View Dir, View load address, Unscratch File, Exam. disc for Errors, Check Disc Blocks, Test all Sectors. Change Disc Name, Change Disc ID, Change Disc Device, Scratch Files, Write Errors to Disc, Hexadecimal Conversions, Send DOS Command.

super disc access
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 10.31 KB 959 Download
d64 floppy25 Super Utility 4.1 HOT

Super Utility 4.1 written in 1986 by J.F. Grace.  This handy utility has some really super functions such as creating autobooting files, displaying the block allocation map of a disk, hiding a disk directory, printing disk contents, and many many more.

super utility 4.1-1
2015-10-04 English Commodore 64 17.92 KB 1,032 Download
d64 floppy26 The 1541 Toolkit HOT

Release in 1985 John H. Kohler - This handy disk utility has many features, such as: Copy tracks/sectors, copy files, scan disk for errors, revive files, block allocation map, find start/end address etc.... a must have for your disk arsenal!

1541 toolkit
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 17.74 KB 1,144 Download
d64 floppy27 The Disk Shop v1.0

Released in 1986 from Strange Mind Software by Don Mayhew. Features - View BAM, Lock/Unlock Disk, Dir Editor, Disk Editor, Get Load Address, Print BAM/Dir, Change Disk Name.

disk shop v1.0
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 7.57 KB 891 Download
d64 floppy28 The GXC Disk Control HOT

By Fastfred - GXC is a multi-function tool that does everything from grab a disk directory to copying files. It is written entirely in BASIC so might be some good example code in there.

the gxc disk control
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 5.54 KB 903 Download
d64 floppy29 The Super Disk Kit HOT

Written by Eugene Morgan - This handy drive utility has many functions as you can tell by the screen shot, but my two favorite are program start address and bit image directory.

the super disk kit
2015-03-20 English Commodore 64 8.16 KB 1,051 Download
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