Category: Source Code
Downloads: 14
txt0 GPascal Source Organization
This was written before I had even heard of "linkers". My fundamental problem was that the Merlin assembler had to hold, in the memory of an Apple 2, both the source and the object, at one time, as this was an in-memory compiler.

However the source was much too large to all fit in memory.

So I broke the source down into logical, and fairly self-contained parts:

Part 1 - tokenization and general utilities

Part 2 - compiler (produces P-codes)

Part 3 - menu, file handling

Part 4 - interpreter (interprets P-codes)

Part 5 - text editor

Part 6 - more of the compiler (processing a 'block')
2016-01-23 English PDF 4.63 KB 578 Download
txt1 license
2016-01-23 1.21 KB 590 Download
d64 floppy2 Pas1
2016-01-23 116.11 KB 555 Download
txt3 Pas1.XREF
2016-01-23 18.77 KB 570 Download
d64 floppy4 Pas2
2016-01-23 92.26 KB 504 Download
txt5 Pas2.XREF
2016-01-23 19.89 KB 530 Download
d64 floppy6 Pas3
2016-01-23 82.43 KB 506 Download
txt7 Pas3.XREF
2016-01-23 17.62 KB 558 Download
d64 floppy8 Pas4
2016-01-23 121.6 KB 509 Download
txt9 Pas4.XREF
2016-01-23 21.71 KB 564 Download
d64 floppy10 Pas5
2016-01-23 81.66 KB 508 Download
txt11 Pas5.XREF
2016-01-23 19.09 KB 549 Download
d64 floppy12 Pas6
2016-01-23 37.92 KB 515 Download
txt13 Pas6.XREF
2016-01-23 13.76 KB 552 Download
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