Category: Kids Games
Downloads: 2
d64 floppy0 Rainyday Fun

Rainyday Fun by Thorn EMI ComputerSoftware is a neat kids game / activity software program.

rainyday fun-1
2015-10-31 English Commodore 64 55.66 KB 894 Download
zip1 Type Attack

Type Attack (1982 Sirius) - I don't post games very often because you can find them anywhere, but when I see a game that has some educational or skill building attributes, especially for younger people, I like to give those attention.  Type Attack is kind of like Space Invaders, but there are several modes.  In one mode you have to see how fast you can clear the board by pressing keys corresponding to characters on the screen.  In another mode you have to type out words as they scroll across the screen before they reach the other side.  There is a third mode, but I'm not going to tell you what it is, you'll have to play yourself to find out. 

2022-12-24 English Commodore 64 15.21 KB 151 Download
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