Category: Graphics Printing Tools
Downloads: 9
d64 floppy0 1520 Doodle Dump

Nothing special here, a compiled BASIC program that will print out a Doodle graphic file to a Commodore 1520 Plotter.

1520 doodle dump
2015-04-02 English Commodore 64 5.86 KB 714 Download
d64 floppy1 1526 Doodle Print

Pretty simple utility that prints a Doodle Paint image to a Commodore 1526 Printer. Simply load the Doodle image and then load this utility and run.

1526 doodle print
2015-04-02 English Commodore 64 1.5 KB 663 Download
zip2 Bumper Sticker Maker v1.1

Bumper Sticker Maker v1.1 by C. Larvin (Intracorp 1987) - I have a facination with all things printer related when it comes to the Commodore 64 and this fits the bill.  This is kind of like a trimmed down PrintShop with one big advantage; you can create your own artwork.  There is a small .docs file on the disk that tells you how to navigate the program and how to change printers, everything else is pretty self explanatory.

2023-07-16 English Commodore 64 52.99 KB 149 Download
zip3 Epyx Graphics Scrapbook Chapter III - School [Print Master]

Epyx Graphics Scrapbook Chapter III - School [Print Master] - So I found this disk in a collection I've been imaging and never knew it existed.  Apparently Epyx released three of these scrap books which were double sided disks with PrintShop graphics on one side and PrintMaster on the other.  Unfortunately I only have the PrintMaster side.  If you have any of the other Scapbooks and want to share, please let me know with the Contact Us link in the menu.

2024-11-28 English Commodore 64 60.76 KB 27 Download
d64 floppy4 Gallery View 5.0

Gallery View v5.0 was written by David R. Sawyer and released in 1985/86.  This program is used to view and print pictures from the Q-Link Photo Gallery.  Works with any Commodore compatible printer.

gallery view 5.0-1
2015-10-11 English Commodore 64 8.76 KB 666 Download
d64 floppy5 Hardcopy MPS 802

Very little info on this graphics printing program which was cracked by Cracksel and released in early 1985.  Wish I could tell you more but I don't even know what graphics formats the program will work with.  It appears by the name that it's designed for the Commodore MPS 802 printer.  I Guess you'll have to experiment.

2015-10-13 English Commodore 64 5.03 KB 700 Download
zip6 Print Shop Graphics Printer v2.30

Print Shop Graphics Printer v2.30 by R.C. Davis (January, 1987) - Found this program on the BPUG 87 Public Domain disk.  With this utility, you can print out all or some of the graphics images on a Print Shop disk to either a Commodore 1525 or and Epson printer.

2024-11-28 English Commodore 64 4.7 KB 24 Download
zip7 Printscreen-64

Printscreen-64 is a neat utility that sits in the background and can print out any screen that's displayed by hitting the key combo c= / restore.  The program has built-in support for the 1525 printer, but you can also customize the program to print with virtually any printer.

2023-07-25 English Commodore 64 3.71 KB 166 Download
d64 floppy8 Screen Dump

Written by F.C. Colosimo & M.J. Kozakiewicz - Screen Dump is an interupt driven routine which checks the F1 key 60 times a second. If detected it prints the contents of the screen to the printer.Docs are on the disk. Sys 49152 to start the program.

screen dump-1
2015-03-08 English Commodore 64 2.42 KB 702 Download
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