Category: Noters
Downloads: 35
d64 floppy0 4 Block Noter

4 Block Noter by Matt' of Tera is a simple straight forward noter which saves out to a small 4 block (2k) file.

4 block noter-1
2016-01-20 English Commodore 64 4.25 KB 709 Download
d64 floppy1 6510's Writer v1.0

Writer v1.0 - written and released by 6510 in 1993.  Writer is a simple and straight forward noter / screen writer.  

writer v1.0-1
2016-01-11 English Commodore 64 4.8 KB 725 Download
d64 floppy2 Art Writer

Art Writer - Imported by The Survivors on 7/6/1988.  This is one of the nicer noters I've tried.  It seems pretty polished.

art writer 1
2015-04-28 English Commodore 64 24.91 KB 728 Download
d64 floppy3 Binary Zone PD U2

This is a disk full of various letter and note writers from 1990.

binary zone pd disk u2
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 92.46 KB 725 Download
d64 floppy4 Cadgers Noter v4.3

Cadgers Noter by Clarence / Cadgers.  Typical noter with ability to load custom 1x1 chars and music.  Notes have a nice Amiga workbench looking background.

cadgers noter v4.3 1
2015-04-22 English Commodore 64 11.7 KB 718 Download
d64 floppy5 Crazy Writer v1.03

By Commodore Radicals - Version numbers conflict inside the program so I went with what seemed logical. This is your standard noter type program.

crazy writer v1.03
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 13.92 KB 719 Download
d64 floppy6 Cyclotron Noter

Cyclotron Noter presented by truse/chrome.

cyclotron noter-1
2016-01-24 English Commodore 64 8.83 KB 713 Download
d64 floppy7 Docs Writer v2.0

By The Joker/Entropy and Mayhem - Decent noter with 3 page capability, music and custom character set.

docs writer v2.00
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 5.35 KB 702 Download
d64 floppy8 Face Writer v1.6+

Very nice notewriter with lots of page turning effects, good packer, good page editor, etc... docs / commands built into the noter.

face writer v1.6
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 14.2 KB 732 Download
d64 floppy9 FakeNoter v1.0

FakeNoter v1.0 by The Fake - Another nice note making program that lets you create a self contained single file note.

fakenoter v1.0-1
2015-10-08 English Commodore 64 10.22 KB 710 Download
d64 floppy10 Future Writer II++

1987 by Future Projects. This fully working version was released on April 23rd, 1987. The disk also includes 6 music tunes that can be added to your note.

future writer ii
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 125.58 KB 738 Download
d64 floppy11 Future Writer v1

Written on 12/13/1986 by TBM/Future Projects. This noter features multiple character sets and music.

future writer v1
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 24.83 KB 726 Download
d64 floppy12 Giga Writer v1.0

Giga Writer v1.0 by Woodo is your standard noter with a nice character set.

giga writer v1.0
2016-01-24 English Commodore 64 17.79 KB 706 Download
zip13 Info-Writer v1.2

Info Writer v1.2 (1989) - Not really sure who to give credit to for this simple noter, but the group Pepsi is mentioned, along with The Syndicate.  Anyway, there is simple instructions included in the program.

2023-05-20 English Commodore 64 9.77 KB 116 Download
zip14 LD Quick Notes v1.0

LD Quick Notes v1.0 by "" was released in October 2012 - The domain doesn't exist anymore.  Although this isn't really a Noter type program, I'm going to put it in that category because there really isn't another appropriate category that I can think of.

Quick Notes-1
2018-08-29 English Commodore 64 4.04 KB 716 Download
d64 floppy15 Logo Writer v2.0

Written by Ratfink of Oxygen.  Logowriter isn't exactly a noter but it is very similar.  It basically lets you add a graphics logo to a page and some text along with music.

logo writer v2.0 1
2015-04-19 English Commodore 64 9.82 KB 752 Download
d64 floppy16 Meganoter v3.0

Coded by Ollie of Pride, Megnoter is quite a nice noter with good built-in help.

meganoter v3.0 1
2015-04-22 English Commodore 64 10.7 KB 709 Download
zip17 Meganoter v4.0 [PAL]

Meganoter by Ollie of Pride.  Pretty nice note taking app with some good music tunes. Works ofk in NTSC but the tunes are played to fast.

Note - Press RESTORE key to get back to menu.

2019-09-01 English Commodore 64 7.97 KB 572 Download
d64 floppy18 Nightwriter

Nightwriter by Wanderer, released in 1990.  This is your standard noter, details and docs are built into the program.

nightwriter 1
2015-04-22 English Commodore 64 7.33 KB 708 Download
d64 floppy19 Note Editor

Note-Editor by Dagger of Atrix.  Nothing special here, but it works and does what it's supposed to.

note editor-1
2016-01-20 English Commodore 64 5.44 KB 708 Download
d64 floppy20 Note-Maker v2

Note-Maker v2 was coded by Matt of TERA.  This is your standard noter with the usual features.

note-maker v2 1
2015-04-19 English Commodore 64 7.61 KB 705 Download
d64 floppy21 Notemaker v1.1

1990 Brian/TOMCAT - This nice noter has the ability to load a custom character set and built in packer.

notemaker v1.1
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 8.89 KB 694 Download
d64 floppy22 Octanoter v492.47

Even with such a dorky version number, this is really a pretty nice noter.

Octanoter v492.47
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 12.64 KB 691 Download
zip23 Padua Writer v1.1 [PAL]

Padua Writer v1.1 is your classic noter with built in instructions.

2019-09-05 English Commodore 64 18.28 KB 480 Download
d64 floppy24 Padua Writer v2.0

Written by Lubber of Padua - There are a million different noters out there, but the best ones are always the simple, straight forward ones.

padua writer v2.0
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 8.58 KB 691 Download
d64 floppy25 Phantom Writer

Release on August 1st, 1990 by Forces of Evil - Phantom writer is your standard noter but as mentioned in the intro, is only compatible with the 1541 drive.

phantom writer
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 14 KB 680 Download
d64 floppy26 Quick Writer

I know there are a million noters out there, but I like variety. Quick Writer is one of the more plain looking noters but it gets the job done.

quick writer
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 12.67 KB 667 Download
zip27 Scrapwriter 64

Scrapwriter 64 by Scrap of GENESIS*PROJECT (Released December 2022) - This is a really cool noter that uses 5 pixel width characters to display 64 characters per line.  There is built-in help in editor mode and some extra graphics symbols in the character set to create logos and such.  You can put 26 pages of text into a single note!  Hope to see some people using this nice new noter.

Original source is

2023-02-26 English Commodore 64 24.55 KB 151 Download
d64 floppy28 Super Writer v3.0

Released in 1986 by The Fall Guys, Super Writer is on the simpler side of noters; which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

super writer v3.0
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 8.36 KB 682 Download
d64 floppy29 The Digital Writer v1.7

The Digital Writer v1.7 written by Slash/TDU in September 1990.  This particular noter supports inserting custom music and crunching the file before saving to disk.  One thing to note is that you have to press "S" or "E" when creating a new note and not Y/N.  Maybe it is obvious to others but took me a minute to figure out.

the digital writer v1.7-1
2015-12-24 English Commodore 64 8.02 KB 629 Download
d64 floppy30 The Omega Writer

Written in 1988 by The Sharks - Programming Idea by Magic Circle. The screenshot looks a little wanky because the menu screen has a vertical scroll/color changer so it was hard to capture.

the omega writer
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 17.64 KB 679 Download
d64 floppy31 The Power Writer

The Power Writer presented by The Powers of Pain

the power writer-1
2016-01-20 English Commodore 64 18.7 KB 667 Download
d64 floppy32 The Ultimate Writer

The Ultimate Writer by SCA is probably the slickest / simplest note maker I have run across.  If you just need to do some quick documentation, this would be my tool of choice.

the ultimate writer
2015-10-19 English Commodore 64 5.2 KB 649 Download
d64 floppy33 Woowriter v2.00

1987 by Fairlight. This is a straight forward noter / letter writer. You know it has to be good because it's from Fairlight.

woowriter v2.0
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 9.3 KB 673 Download
d64 floppy34 Z-Pulator II+

Released by Viz of Great Z-Circle - This is the first public release of this text writer. Nothing fancy, but gets the job done.

z-pulator ii
2015-04-03 English Commodore 64 4.2 KB 646 Download
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