Category: C64S Emulator
Downloads: 4
zip0 C64S v0.9a

C64S v0.9a by Miha Peternel (1993) - Was really happy to stumble on this early version of the Commodore 64 emulator because it is the only version I've found that works on a 286 processor (in demo mode).  There is also a build for 386+ processors in the archive.  Full DOCS are included.

2019-07-26 English DOS 374.37 KB 819 Download
zip1 C64S v0.9b

C64S v0.9b by Miha Peternel - Although this is a newer build than v0.9a it seems to be a bit more broke and doesn't work as well in DOSBox 0.74-2.  Grab the v0.9a build instead, I just like to keep old builds around for histories sake.

2019-07-26 English DOS 30.5 KB 563 Download
d64 floppy2 C64S v2.0a HOT

C64S by Miha Peternel is a software emulator of the good old fat C64.  It will allow you to run most of the original C64 software on your PC assuming said PC is running a real version of DOS.  I was unable to get this running in DOSBox v 0.74 but didn't try it on a real DOS machine yet.

c64s v2.0a 1
2015-04-27 English DOS 459.77 KB 948 Download
d64 floppy3 C64S v2.52d HOT

C64S v2.52D DEMO

The latest version of C64 Software Emulator. Requirements: 386, VGA, DOS 3.0, 500K free. Supports PC joysticks, GUS, SB, PAS, VESA.

(Aug 97)

2016-11-30 English DOS 402.32 KB 925 Download
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