Category: Computers (Educational)
Downloads: 6
zip0 Bits & Bytes

Bits & Bytes - Nice little educational program to teach how bits & bytes work and how you can use Peek and Poke to read and write the values from / into memory locations.

2023-07-16 English Commodore 64 6.97 KB 123 Download
d64 floppy1 CBM 4040 Disk Commands

CBM put out an educational series for students and teacher on using disk commands with the 4040 disk drive and BASIC 4.0 / DOS 2.0.

disk commands 1
2015-04-27 English Commodore 64 6.95 KB 677 Download
zip2 Learn to Code

Some of you might be disappointed because this program isn't about programming, it's a training program for Morse code.  The interesting thing about this trainer is that it has several different speed ranges you can learn code at.

2023-07-01 English Commodore 64 4.64 KB 110 Download
zip3 Morse Code

Just some random programs to help with learning Morse Code.

2019-02-05 English Commodore 64 9.61 KB 678 Download
zip4 The Training Kit

The Training Kit by Northwest Software (1984), programmed by Ming S. Low, Mike Fong and Sinh Siha is a complete introduction to computing concepts and associated hardware, in particular that of the Commodore 64 and it's associated perphierals.

2022-12-30 English Commodore 64 69.61 KB 171 Download
zip5 Typing Practice

Typing Practice by Steven Darnold is a simple but effective way to learn how to positional type on your Commodore 64.

2023-07-21 English Commodore 64 4.29 KB 104 Download
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