Category: ICE BBS
Downloads: 2
d64 floppy0 ICE BBS v1.1 HOT

Eric Green, one of the co-authors of ICE BBS, has licensed ICE BBS v1.1 under the GNU General Public License (GPL). This is effectively the same as releasing it to the Public Domain; it just means that you can't put your own copyright on it, basically. I scanned in all 122 pages of the original printed manual. This is the manual and d64 disk images of both sides of the original disk.

ice bbs v1.1 1
2015-05-26 English Commodore 64 19.54 MB 1,094 Download
zip1 ICE BBS v1.1 Manual

ICE BBS v1.1 Manual

2020-04-10 English PDF 19.75 MB 530 Download
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