Category: Color 64 BBS
Downloads: 4
d64 floppy0 Color 64 BBS v7.3 (Originals)

This archive is straight from an unmodified registered Color 64 BBS v7.3 floppy.  There are two disks in the image which are side 1 and 2 of the original floppy.  This is exactly what you would get had you ordered a copy.  Version 7.3 was an upgrade from 7.0 and added support for the Xetec hard drive.

2016-12-25 English Commodore 64 145.52 KB 759 Download
d64 floppy1 Color 64 BBS v7.37

Greg Pfountz, the original author of Color 64 BBS software, has authorized the release of the final version that he wrote of Color 64 (v7.37) to the Public Domain. This zip file contains all six disk sides in d64 format.

color64 bbs v7.37 1
2015-04-17 English Commodore 64 507.01 KB 850 Download
d64 floppy2 Color 64 BBS v8.1 Upgrade

v8.1 of Color 64 BBS is an upgrade to v8.0 - Included in this archive is a pdf with some notes on the upgrade.

2015-04-26 English Commodore 64 257.51 KB 888 Download
zip3 Color 64 BBS Version 128

Congratulations  you are the owner of the ultimate upgrade to your Color 64 system!  Version 128 will allow you to run your BBS in C128 mode, without going back to stock Color 64 overlays!

2020-02-22 English PDF 646.77 KB 728 Download
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