Category: ST/R Terminal
Downloads: 4
zip0 ST/R Term v1.1

ST/R Term v1.1 by Douglas McLaughlin.  Not the newest version, but nice to have for historical sake.  Docs are included on the disk.

2019-02-16 English Commodore 64 20.08 KB 486 Download
zip1 ST/R Term v1.3

Found a newer version of ST/R Term by Douglas McLaughlin from 1987.

2019-02-17 English Commodore 64 27.92 KB 625 Download
d64 floppy2 ST/R Term v1.0

1987 ST/R Programming Services, Douglas McLaughlin. Supports up to 120 baud, Xmodem & Punter protocol.

str terminal v1.0
2015-03-29 English Commodore 64 18.83 KB 556 Download
d64 floppy3 ST/R Term v1.2 Source Code

This is the full source code, both BASIC & ML for STR Term v1.2

str term v1.2 source
2015-03-29 English Commodore 64 20.29 KB 558 Download
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