Category: Auto Execute Makers
Downloads: 5
d64 floppy0 Autoboot Maker

Released in 1986 Prism Software. Written by Marty Franz and Joe Peter - Auto Boot Maker will take a BASIC or ML program and modify it to auto run when loaded.

auto boot maker
2015-03-22 English Commodore 64 2.04 KB 792 Download
d64 floppy1 Autostart C64 Plus

Autostart C64 Plus will convert a machine language into an auto-running program.

autostart c64 plus
2015-10-17 English Commodore 64 3.15 KB 707 Download
d64 floppy2 Autostart Construction Set.

Autostart Construction Set by P.M. Soft, released 08/04/85 - This nice autostart program works with both BASIC and ML programs.

autostart construction set
2015-10-18 English Commodore 64 2.05 KB 720 Download
d64 floppy3 BASIC Auto-Booter

Written by Mike Conforti. Auto-Booter will convert a BASIC program into an auto boot program meaning you won't have to type "run" after the program is done loading.

basic auto-booter
2015-04-12 English Commodore 64 2.27 KB 700 Download
d64 floppy4 Countdown v3

By Peter Weighill. Countdown is such a cool utility, I don't know why this program wasn't used a lot more. Basically this utility will add a short 5-6 block section of code to your program that will allow you to display a countdown display to the loading progress of your program. Very nice if you have a huge program that takes forever to load. Full docs are on the disk.

countdown v3
2015-04-06 English Commodore 64 8.39 KB 692 Download
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