Category: General Programming Tools
Downloads: 12
d64 floppy0 Address Finder

Address Finder is a super simple tool to find the address a program on disk loads into memory.

2016-12-23 English Commodore 64 1.17 KB 781 Download
d64 floppy1 C64 DECHEXBINOCT v0.3

DECHEXBINOCT is a simple program that shows how a number is represented in decimal, octal, hexadecimal and binary systems.

dechexbinoct - c64 1
2015-04-26 English Commodore 64 19.36 KB 749 Download
d64 floppy2 Memory Compare

This handy little programmers tool by M.J. Kozakiewicz lets you compare two areas of memory and print out the differences to screen or printer. You set the size of the memory block and only the addresses that hold different values are output. Instructions are included on the disk. Remember to load with just a ,8 and not ,8,1.

memory compare-1
2015-03-11 English Commodore 64 2.99 KB 754 Download
d64 floppy3 Program Analyzer

Program Analyzer is a neat tool to find out all kinds of information about a program.

2016-12-23 English Commodore 64 5.85 KB 780 Download
zip4 sysres 85.1

sysres 85.1

2016-11-24 English Commodore 64 10.88 KB 750 Download
zip5 sysres iv

sysres iv

2016-11-24 English Commodore 64 13.88 KB 734 Download
d64 floppy6 SysRes v70905 HOT

SYSRES is an operating system which works in conjunction with the BASIC operating system in your Commodore-64 to give you, the programmer, advanced program and file manipulation ability. The syntax has been carefully selected to be as similar as possible to many other such systems, while adding a host of additional features.  

SYSRES is designed to be addictive to programmers but NOT addictive to programs. This means that no commands are added or changed in the way in which they behave within a program. Software developed under SYSRES is fully compatible with a non-SYSRES environment.  By using an extremely powerful syntax structure, SYSRES adds over 1100 new functions to BASIC, while only using 33 new command words (plus 1 1 dos-support commands). Even with all of this power, SYSRES Is very simple to use, because most commands accept syntax with which you may already be familiar; the more powerful features are optional.  

SYSRES hides away under BASIC, so it USES NO RAM which would normally be available to BASIC programs (except 256 bytes from $COOO to $CFFF for BASIC interface)(Ref: pp. 2-3). One reason SYSRES is not in a cartridge is that a cartridge takes 8K away from your BASIC RAM. 

sysres v70905
2016-11-24 English Commodore 64 35.16 KB 947 Download
zip7 SysresDocs-UNK


2016-11-24 English Commodore 64 17.5 KB 821 Download
zip8 Total Software Development System v1.4 HOT

Total Software Development System (TSDS) by Piratebusters Software is a collection of tools used for developing software.  Here is a quick blurb from a review by Chris Zamara that I found in TPUG News Volume 1, Number 2:

At first glance, TSDS appears to be just a colletion of standard utilities: an editor enhancement utility a la BASIC aid, an assembler, a sprite editor, a character editor, and a sound effects generator - the kind of thing to make a jaded programmer yawn. After using the package for a short while, however, it becomes obvious that the programs in TSDS are the product of a programmer who has created high quality tools for his own use, and honed those tools to a keen edge.

You can find the full review here -

2017-08-26 English Commodore 64 66.3 KB 907 Download
zip9 Total Software Development System v1.6 HOT

Total Software Development System v1.6 (TSDS) by Piratebusters Software is a collection of tools for the Commodore 64 and 128 used for developing software.  Here is a quick blurb from a review by Chris Zamara that I found in TPUG News Volume 1, Number 2:

At first glance, TSDS appears to be just a colletion of standard utilities: an editor enhancement utility a la BASIC aid, an assembler, a sprite editor, a character editor, and a sound effects generator - the kind of thing to make a jaded programmer yawn. After using the package for a short while, however, it becomes obvious that the programs in TSDS are the product of a programmer who has created high quality tools for his own use, and honed those tools to a keen edge.

You can find the full review here -

2019-10-15 English Commodore 64 91.21 KB 960 Download
d64 floppy10 Ultimate Tools 2.0

The Ultimate Tools 2.0 is two programs that can be used for aiding in the typing in of programs from the Compute! and RUN magazines.  Not really sure if anyone still does that, but if you do, then you will want to use one of these programs to help you catch typing mistakes and speed up the whole process.

tools 2.0
2015-10-03 English Commodore 64 6.83 KB 790 Download
zip11 Universal Program Lister

Universal Program Lister by Jim Butterfield and published by Compute! in December 1982 is a tool for all Commodore computers that can list a BASIC program to screen or printer.  Here is a quote about the program from Mr. Butterfield himself:

"There are lots of Lister type programs around. This one isn't much different, except that it is very complete. It runs very slowly; have a cup of coffee
while it's running."

2020-10-05 English Commodore 64 3.3 KB 511 Download
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