Category: BASIC Extensions
Downloads: 30
d64 floppy0 Applesoft Basic HOT

By David Young. Applesoft Basic adds several commands for working with graphics. The commands are outlined when you start the program.

applesoft basic
2015-04-11 English Commodore 64 10.93 KB 1,584 Download
zip1 Apsoft-64

ApSoft-64 is a powerful extension to the resident Commodore 64 BASIC. It incorporates a 1541 program loader which speeds up loading of programs by a factor of 5. It also adds 45
easy-to-use-and-understand BASIC commands. These commands are in the same format as Applesoft BASIC for the Apple ] [ family of computers. ApSoft-64 therefore gives the Commodore 64 owner a greatly expanded base of available software in addition toincreasing his or her programming power.

Link to the Manual

2021-07-11 English Commodore 64 7.65 KB 634 Download
zip2 BASIC 3.5 Extension HOT

BASIC 3.5 is an extension released by 64'er Magazine back the June 1990 Issue that allows running Commodore BASIC v3.5 programs on a Commodore 64.

While doing some searching on this extension, I ran across an interesting post on StackExchange that describes a couple ways to autoload/wedge you programs so they load the extension automatically and continue to run.  Here's a link for the curious.  

2020-05-17 English Commodore 64 12.9 KB 1,188 Download
zip3 BASIC Expanded v4.5 HOT

BASIC Expanded v4.5 - Released by Slayer of The Canibals in 1993.  This extension to BASIC has several features for graphics, scrolling and playing music (Sids).  Check out the demo program on the disk for more info.

BASIC Expanded v4.5
2017-10-01 English Commodore 64 10.68 KB 1,608 Download
zip4 BASIC Lightning v1.2 HOT

BASIC Lightning v1.2 by David Hunter is an extension to the CBM64's resident BASIC interpreter which adds over 150 commands.  The additional commands cover three main areas: structured programming, graphics and sound. One of BASIC LIGHTNING'S most powerful features is the ability to multi-task; up to five parts of a BASIC program can be run at once. A compiler for BASIC LIGHTNING will be available in early 1985 which will produce "stand-alone" compiled programs.

Inside the archive is the complete PDF manual.

basic lightning v1.2
2017-08-27 English Commodore 64 5.61 MB 1,934 Download
d64 floppy5 BBC Basic II v0.23 HOT

Aztec Software produced a version of BBC BASIC for the Commodore 64 in the 1980s. It was written by Julian Gardner who wrote their Turbo Basic and Turbo Basic Compiler.  The released software seems very much an unfinished development demo. 

bbc basic ii v0.23
2015-04-11 English Commodore 64 26.77 KB 1,327 Download
zip6 Business BASIC 64

This one is a bit of a mystery.  I've found two references to Business BASIC on the net.  One is from the C64-Wiki that states this extension was by Kingsoft in 1985 and is also known as S'MORE Basic.  The other reference also by the C64-Wiki says "There is a module extension known as Business Basic for the C64 or the C64 Basic V3.5 implementation published in 64'er Magazin 6/90 to get BASIC 3.5 capabilities on a C64 hardware.".  I'm guessing this is the later, but since I can't read German you'll have to investigate this for yourself.

2020-05-31 English Commodore 64 9.17 KB 895 Download
d64 floppy7 C64 - BASIC 4.0 HOT

BASIC 4.0 for the Commodore 64.  This BASIC extension has the ability to be loaded into two different areas of RAM.  Included in the archive are two reference books for BASIC 4.0

basic 4.0 1
2015-04-24 English Commodore 64 9.85 MB 3,641 Download
d64 floppy8 DotBASIC v2.2 HOT

DotBASIC is an extension to BASIC that add's over 100 commands making it super easy to create graphical interfaces with complete mouse control. This is a MUST HAVE extension if you program in basic. Full Docs and extra library's are included.

dot basic v2.2
2015-04-11 English Commodore 64 2.41 MB 1,734 Download
zip9 Drago BASIC v2.2 HOT

Drago BASIC v2.2 by Cross-Soft - One of our kind visitors shared some details about this BASIC extension that's geared towards 3D graphics animation.  Version 2.0 of this software was published in a special issue of a Polish magazine called Bajtek sometime in 1987-88.  Version 2.2 appears to be nearly the same, and accepts the same commands as that published in the magazine.

Here's a link to the magazine article.  Thanks Al!

2017-04-24 English Commodore 64 5.55 KB 1,248 Download
d64 floppy10 Evs Basic v1.00 HOT

1988 by Anton Treuenfels. Eve Basic is a BASIC 2.0 language extension, adding more than 40 new keywords covering bitmapped graphics, sprites, sound, strings, i/o, disk control, etc. Full docs are on disk with demo programs.

evs basic v1.00
2015-04-12 English Commodore 64 42.94 KB 1,373 Download
zip11 GameBASIC v1.1 HOT

GameBASIC v1.1 - Released in 1991 by MR-Soft.  GameBASIC is an extension to Commodore 64 BASIC 2.0 designed for creating games.  Originally released in the German 64er magazine issue 73, I believe this is an updated version.  

Included in the archive is the original magazine article and an additional artice about programming with GameBASIC.  Both articles are in German. Also included is a game and demp written in GameBASIC. 

2020-11-16 English Commodore 64 7.11 MB 1,015 Download
d64 floppy12 Graphics Basic v1.07 HOT

1983 Hes, Written by Ron Gilbert and Tom McFarlane. Graphics BASIC adds over 100 new commands to the BASIC language, providing an easy-to-use API to the relatively advanced (at the time) graphics and sound hardware capabilities of the Commodore 64.

graphics basic v1.07
2015-04-12 English Commodore 64 12.44 KB 1,611 Download
zip13 Hires-Master v1.0

Hires-Master v1.0 - This is a an extension to the Commodore 64 BASIC 2.0 that adds some graphics commands.  Originally I thought this came from a disk magazine called Commodisk, in particular issue #35, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  I don't have any information on this extension, but there is a demo program on the disk that you can examine to see some of the new commands.

2023-07-16 English Commodore 64 10.52 KB 180 Download
d64 floppy14 Laser Basic v1.3 HOT

Laser BASIC is an easy to use and versatile utility which lets you make full use of the Commodore 64's outstanding graphics capabilities without using machine code. Although it was originally designed with video games in mind, it can be used in any application which requires high quality graphics. The full manual can be found at

laser basic v1.3
2015-04-12 English Commodore 64 82.61 KB 1,975 Download
zip15 MetaBASIC HOT

MetaBASIC is an extension to Commodore BASIC  that will change the way you program. It adds 32 new debugging and testing commands to Commodore 64 BASIC, working by itself or in conjunction with a machine language monitor/assembler.

Here's a link to the manual.

2020-05-29 English Commodore 64 4.28 KB 1,010 Download
zip16 MetaBASIC 128 HOT

"MetaBASIC 128," (Released in Compute!'s Gazette February 1987) will change the way you program. It adds 11 new debugging and testing commands to BASIC 7.0-and these commands are instantly at your fingertips for programming sessions.

Here's a link to the documentation.

2020-05-30 English Commodore 128 2.19 KB 1,035 Download
zip17 MetaBASIC Plus

"MetaBASIC Plus" (Released in Compute!'s Gazette February 1987) is a companion program to "MetaBASIC 64." It adds 11 new commands and modifies HELP to print the new MetaBASIC Plus commands in addition to the original MetaBASIC commands.  Please read the docs because you have to merge this into MetaBASIC 64 which is included in this archive.

2020-05-30 English Commodore 64 6.97 KB 871 Download
zip18 ModemBASIC v1.2

ModemBASIC is a utility which allows programing bulletin board systems and terminal programs with the ease of BASIC and the speed of machine language.  ModemBASIC adds 23 commands and functions to BASIC as well as a DOS wedge with an additional 7 commands, enhanced floating point routines, and a new cursor.

Full docs are included in the archive.

2020-05-30 English Commodore 64 11 KB 864 Download
zip19 Northcastle Stuctured BASIC v1.7

Northcastle Structured BASIC v1.7 by Mike Roche (June 1984) - This is very similar to Waterloo BASIC, in fact it will run most programs written for Waterloo. I found a nice article about this language in issue 23 of TPUG Magazine (May 1986).  Included on the disk is several versions that can be loaded into different parts of memory so it can co-exist with other utilities.  There is also instructions, source code (written in PAL assembler) and several sample programs.  I would consider this a complete package.

2022-10-30 English Commodore 64 33.11 KB 303 Download
zip20 Pegasus Basic v4.0

Pegasus Basic v4.0 by Juli, 1989 - This is a really cool extension to BASIC. It's cool because it not only adds a bunch of graphics related commands, it also adds many utility type commands.  On top of that, it has some nice improvements to the basic editor. There are a half dozen sample programs included on the disk and an English translation of the manual (Blame me if there are any inaccuracies, I ran it through the DeepL translator, then went back and transposed some wording).

Big thank you to a couple of our visitors (BlueCursor & Markus), for pointing me in the direction of the source of this fine extension (and sharing an additional English translation of the manual), which is the February 1991 issue of Magic Disk 64.  Here is a link to a nice site that has all the Magic Disk textual content converted to HTML.

2023-04-26 English Commodore 64 572.6 KB 250 Download
d64 floppy21 Simon's Basic v3.1 HOT

Simons' BASIC adds 114 additional keywords to BASIC 2.0. These included commands to ease the coding of sprites, high-resolution and multi-color graphics, and sound.

simons basic v3.1
2015-04-12 English Commodore 64 12.17 KB 3,529 Download
d64 floppy22 Speedloader 1530 HOT

Speedloader 1530 looks to be a BASIC extension, but on the other hand it sounds like a fast loader for the Commodore 1530 cassette drive. Maybe it's both.

speedloader 1530 1
2015-05-09 English Commodore 64 4.3 KB 1,185 Download
d64 floppy23 Super Basic 2 HOT

This looks like a nice extension for BASIC but I can't find much information on it beyond the command summary that is included on the disk.

super basic 2
2015-04-12 English Commodore 64 10.95 KB 1,343 Download
zip24 Super Expander 64 [CRT] HOT

The SUPER EXPANDER 64 is a cartridge based program that adds 21 new commands and 11 new built-in functions to the BASIC language in your Commodore 64.  As you will notice from the screenshot, you lose a bit of memory from the top of BASIC.

Here is a link to the manual.

2020-07-02 English Commodore 64 6.52 KB 1,411 Download
zip25 Super Sprite [Plus4] HOT

Super sprite allows you the control of up to eight sprites under BASIC control. Each sprite is 16 pixels by 16 pixels and can move over or under characters on the text screen. The sprites can be any one of the 121 colours available to you on the C16 / PLUS4. They can even be set to flash!!!

Documentation is included in the archive.

super sprite - plus4-1
2018-05-17 English Plus 4 35.61 KB 1,342 Download
zip26 The Tool

The Tool or The Tool-64 by Tri Micro (also distributed by Handic) is a BASIC extension for the Commodore 64 that has many handy instructions. Most deal with the screen and cursor manipulation, but also some utilitarian features such as program renumbering and string manipulation.

I want to thank Matt C. for this bit copy which he made with nibtools and a modded 1541.  Although there are a couple other postings of this tool on the site, none are of a clean full version of the original floppy.

If you are interested in additional information (manual and cartridge image) along with applications and demos that are related to The Tool, check here.

2024-04-30 English Commodore 64 181.13 KB 49 Download
d64 floppy27 The Tool-64 HOT

Micro-Application - I don't have much information on this BASIC extension. It was originally a cartridge and was released in 1983. This file is an Isepic'd version of the code. If you can shed some light on this extension, please send me an email.

the tool-64
2015-04-11 English Commodore 64 9.56 KB 1,266 Download
zip28 UltraBASIC-64 HOT

UltraBASIC-64 by Roy Wainwright is an extension for Commodore BASIC that adds 50 powerful commands to the Commodore 64.  Originally released by Adamsoft, it was later distributed by Abacus.  Included in the archive is a demo and two tutorials that explain many of the commands. 

Here's a link to the manual.

2020-06-06 English Commodore 64 24.46 KB 1,131 Download
zip29 Ultrakit

Ultrakit - A Programmer's Toolkit by Zach Townsend (Alpha Omega, 1986) - ULTRAKIT adds nearly 30 commands to the standard Commodore Basic, for use in developing your own  programs. It includes commands for debugging BASIC programs, for listing to the printer, for altering and checking blocks of memory, as well as a fully-fledged multicolour Character Editor and Designer.

This archive contains a .TAP file instead of a .D64.  I was unable to convert it using FinalTAP because it isn't a BASIC program and has a non-standard loader.  You can easily use this in CCS64 or the VICE emulator.  Thanks to Green_Bert over at the Lemon64 forum for sharing this and the manual.

2023-03-25 English Commodore 64 82.8 KB 268 Download
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