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Combiner v1.1 [GEOS] Category: Text Converters [GEOS]07-26-24

Want to thank Bruce Thomas for sending over this update to a great GEOS utility by Nick Vrtis for combining multiple geoWrite documents.  The following is information Bruce supplied in a text file that is included in the archive:

Combiner is a great geoWrite utility written by Nicholas J. Vrtis in 1989 and there are a number of different versions floating around on disk collections and web sites.

As far as I can ascertain, despite their names (COMBINER, Combiner, COMBINER v1.1), they are all the same version:

V1.0 dated 3/4/89 4:03 PM in the file info box.

All of these differing versions also display V1.0 in the title box at the bottom of the screen in the program, and the geos menu / info box says the program is user supported and asks for $5.

There is one version of Combiner that is a true V1.1 but it hasn't been available other than in printed form up to now, to the best of my knowledge.

The August 1989 Volume 9, Issue 6 of Transactor magazine contains an explanatory article by Nicholas on challenges when creating Combiner and the listings to create Combiner V1.1 with geoProgrammer - a GEOS Header file, an Include file, two program Source files, and a Linker file. Sadly, and like V9#5, Transactor did not produce a disk to accompany V9#6.

I scanned and OCR'd the pages from Transactor and converted them to geoWrite format, did some cleanup, and used Paul B. Murdaugh's geoProgrammer 2.1 to build the program. I also modified the program icon to include 1.1 in it.

I don't know what changes may exist in the operation of the program but the geos menu / info box no longer asks for $5 - possibly this version was sold to Transactor. The Info box of any geoWrite files created by Combiner V1.1 now shows:
Author: by: Combiner V1.1
instead of
Author: by: Combiner V1.0 as with previous versions.

Bruce Thomas
July 24, 2024

Platform: Commodore 64
Commodore 64 Trivia DataBase Category: C64 General Books07-15-24

Commodore 64 Trivia DataBase lntroduces Commodore 64 owners to databases and their applications by enabling users to understand how a simplified database is created and why it works

  • Discusses user-friendly data entry, error checking and program continuity
  • Compares advantages and disadvantages of cassette and disk files
  • lncludes a sample trivia database file with 100 questions and answers
  • Provides tips on making programs run faster and more efficiently 
  • Helps users put parts of the database together and learn how to use the program

Commodore 64 Trivia DataBase is an entertaining way to see for yourself how databases can be used for fun and education.

Checkbook v1.4 Category: Accounting07-15-24

Checkbook v1.4 by Robert J. Freepartner (released by Computer Craftware)  is a full fledged Checkbook (remember those?) program for the Commodore 64.  One neat feature of this software is that it not only supports the Commodore 1581 disk drive, it even supports using partitions.

Note - Although there is what appears to be a Commodore 128 versions of this software on the disk, it doesn't work.  I believe this disk may have been a 1571 floppy that was imaged as a 1541.  All the same, thank you Scott H. for providing this and other images.

Platform: Commodore 64
Mega65 User's Guide (March 2024) Category: Hardware Manuals [C64]07-12-24

Congratulations on your purchase of one of the most long-awaited computers in the history of computing! The MEGA65 is community designed, and based on the never-released Commodore® 651 computer; a computer designed in 1989 and intended for public release in 1990. Decades have passed, and we have endeavoured to invoke memories of an earlier time when computers were simple and friendly. They were not only simple to operate and understand, but friendly and approachable for new users.

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