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Velv Velveeta

Velveeta by Kevin Hisel - Here's another utility that could be pretty handy, especially when you want to print out some documentation you found in a sequential (SEQ) file on some random disk, but it was formatted for 40 columns (because that's all our humble C64 has).  Not only can you strip carriage returns, you can also get rid of extra spacing while still honoring the traditional 2 spaces after a . (period). Additionally, it can also strip out non-text characters, so it might be helpful in converting a text file from some other word processor that embedded a bunch of control characters.  Although this utility can process PRG and USR files, I really can't see the usefulness in that, so I'm putting it in the Seq File Tools area. See the screen shots to read the built-in help.


System Commodore 64
Size7.38 KB


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