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New Director New Directory 64

New Directory by Kevin Hisel (August 2nd, 1986) - Not to be confused with the other "New Directory" utility posted on this site that lets you change the order of files on a disk, this utility instead will tell you some useful information about the files on a disk, such as the starting Track & Sector and the total space used by all the files.  It's also handy because once loaded, it hangs out in memory at location 49152 so that you can change disks and just SYS 49152 to run it again.  This might come in handy if used in conjunction with a disk checker such as "Disk Tester v1.0" to find out exactly which file is in a bad area of the disk so you can at least salvage the other files.


System Commodore 64
Size37.01 KB


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