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101 Toaster Tr 101 Toaster Tricks

Lee Stranahan is a living, breathing symbol of the magnitude of change NewTek's Video Toaster represents. In late 1990, like so many other Amiga owners, he scraped together the dollars to purchase one of the first Toasters.
His first days (and nights) with the device were so powerful that, with his wife's support, he promptly quit his job and committed himself (committed really IS the right word) to learning the Toaster inside and out. His enthusiasm for the Toaster was matched only by his thirst for Toaster information. This led him to form the world's first Toaster user group, as well as the world's first Toaster newsletter, BreadBox. Our own magazine,

Video Toaster User, is a direct descendant of BreadBox. In the two+ years since Lee got his Toaster, he has become the most widely known Toaster expert on the planet. In addition to writing a regular column in Video Toaster User, he criss-crosses the country teaching Toaster users of all levels. His excellent instructional videotapes (published by Rave Video) iRuminate those who are unable to see and hear him in person. The man is a walking encyclopedia of Toaster knowledge and information. In "101 Toaster Tricks" he passes on some of his most important discoveries to you.


Size4.24 MB


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