C64 Debugger Cheat Sheet

GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

Global Shortcuts

Alt + Enter Toggle fullscreen (Windows only)
Ctrl + F1Show only C64 screen
Ctrl + F2Show C64 disassembler, memory map and memory dump
Ctrl + F3Show C64 disassembler w/hex codes, memory dump and VIC state
Ctrl + F4Show C64 and 1541 disk disassembler and memory maps
Ctrl + F5Show states of chips
Ctrl + F6Show C64 disassembler, a big memory map and memory dump
Ctrl + F7Show C64 and 1541 disk disassembler
Ctrl + F8Show Monitor console, memory map, memory dump and debugging tools
Ctrl + Shift + F1Show zoomed C64 screen.
Ctrl + Shift + F2Show cycle-exact debugging tools with C64 screen zoom, memory dump and code labels
Ctrl + Shift + F3Show C64 disassembler and small C64 screen
Ctrl + Shift + F4Show VIC Display “lite” screen
Ctrl + Shift + F5Show VIC Display screen
Ctrl + Shift + F6Show VIC Editor screen
Ctrl + Shift + F7Show all bitmaps in memory at once
TABChange focus to next view
Shift + TABChange focus to previous view
F9Show Main menu screen
Ctrl + BShow Breakpoints screen
Ctrl + TMute sound On/Off
Ctrl + [Set slower emulation speed
Ctrl + ]Set faster emulation speed
Ctrl + Windows KeyRotate through emulation speeds
Ctrl + PLimit emulation speed On/Off (warp mode)
Ctrl + 8Attach D64 file
Ctrl + Shift + 8Detach D64 file
F7Browse attached disk image
F3Start first PRG from disk image
Ctrl + OLoad PRG file
Ctrl + LReload PRG & Start
Ctrl + Shift + AToggle auto-load first PRG from inserted disk
Ctrl + Shift + HToggle C64 reset before PRG load
Ctrl + 0Attach cartridge
Ctrl + Shift + 0Detach cartridge
Ctrl + FCartridge freeze button
Ctrl + RSoft reset C64
Ctrl + Shift + RHard reset C64
Ctrl + Alt + RReset 1541 Disk drive
Ctrl + Shift + DDetach everything
Ctrl + YUse keyboard arrows as joystick On/Off, Right Alt to fire
F10Pause code or run to next instruction (step)
Alt + F10Back-Step one instruction
Ctrl + F10Step to next line (step over JSR)
Shift + F10Run one CPU cycle
F11Run/continue emulation
Ctrl + WToggle memory dump view with watches view
Ctrl + MToggle data memory map/memory dump taken directly from RAM or as-is with I/O and ROMs selected by $0001
Ctrl + EToggle show current raster beam position
Ctrl + Shift + SShow Snapshots screen
Ctrl + SStore snapshot to a file
Ctrl + DRestore snapshot from a file
Shift + Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, …, 6Quick store snapshot to slot #1,#2,#3, …, or #6
Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, …, 6Quick restore snapshot from slot #1,#2,#3, …, or #6
Ctrl + UDump C64’s memory to file
Ctrl + Shift + UDump 1541 Drive’s memory to file
Ctrl + Shift + ESave current screen data to file
Ctrl + BackspaceClear memory markers
Ctrl + Shift + PSave C64 screenshot and sprite bitmaps to PNG files
Ctrl + Arrow ←Rewind emulation back one frame
Ctrl + Arrow →Forward emulation one frame
Alt + Ctrl + Arrow ←Rewind emulation back one second
Alt + Ctrl + Arrow →Forward emulation one second
Shift + Ctrl + Arrow ←Rewind emulation back 10 seconds
Shift + Ctrl + Arrow →Forward emulation 10 seconds
Ctrl + ;Select next code symbols segment
Ctrl + ‘Select previous code symbols segment
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

In Disassembly View

Mouse Click on memory addressAdd/remove breakpoint
` (~ tilde key)Add/remove breakpoint
Arrow ↑/↓Scroll code one instruction up/down
Page ↑/↓ or Shift + Arrow ↑/↓Scroll code by $100 bytes up/down
SpaceToggle tracking of code display by current PC
EnterEnter code editing mode (assemble)
[ or ]Scroll code one byte up/down
Arrow ←/→If not editing code: follow code jumps and branches using Right-Arrow key,  and move back with Left-Arrow key. When argument is a memory address then memory dump view will be scrolled to that address. If editing code and hex values visible: change edited hex value.
CTRL + G <addr>Move cursor to specific address (f.e. CTRL+G EA31)
CTRL + JJMP to current cursor’s address (change CPU PC)
Mouse wheelScroll code (faster with Shift pressed)
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

In Memory Dump View

Mouse Click on hex valueSelect hex value
Double Mouse Click on hex valueScroll Disassembly view to selected address
Arrow ←↑→↓Move editing cursor
Page Up/Dn or Shift + Arrow ↑/↓Scroll code by $100 bytes up/down
Enter or 0-9 or A-FStart editing value
Ctrl + Mouse ClickScroll Disassembly view to code address that stored that value
Ctrl + Shift + Mouse ClickScroll Disassembly view to code address that last read that value
Alt + ShiftChange CBM charset
Ctrl + KChange colour mode on/off for sprites/characters
Ctrl + G <addr>Move cursor to specific address (f.e. CTRL+G 0400)
Ctrl + VPaste hex codes from clipboard into memory. Simple separators are parsed, also the text can contain addresses as 4 hex digits
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

In Memory Map View

Ctrl + M Memory map shows current values of memory cells. Ctrl+M switches bank to RAM. Each memory cell value is mapped into RGB or Gray or None. In RGB mode  red are values from 0 to 85, green are values from 85 to 170 and blue are  values from 170 to 255. In Gray mode all values are mapped into grayscale colors.
Memory access:• White shows current PC
• Blue marks read access
• Red marks write access
SettingsChange colours to ICU-standard (read marked by green)
Mouse ClickScroll memory dump view to a clicked memory address
Double Mouse ClickScroll Disassembly view to a memory address under cursor
Ctrl + Mouse ClickScroll Disassembly view to code address that stored value under cursor
Ctrl + Shift + Mouse ClickScroll Disassembly view to code address that last read value under cursor
Mouse WheelZoom-in (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
Hold RMBMove around
Multitouch gestures Pinch zoom and scroll using two fingers (MacOS only). Select desired control behaviour in Settings
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

In Breakpoints Screen

Arrow keysMove around
Enter or SpacebarToggle value or start editing breakpoint
BackspaceRemove selected CPU PC Breakpoint
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

Commodore 64 Screen

KeysAll keys are mapped as original Commodore 64 keyboard
C64 Control keyRight Control
RESTORENot mapped, but you can change this in Settings
Left Control key is not mapped and reserved for keyboard shortcuts
When joystick is turned on then you can control selected ports using arrow keys, and right-alt as fire
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

Monitor Screen

You can use these instructions in code monitor: 
HELPShow help
DEVICE C / D / 8Set current device (C64/Disk/Disk)
F <from> <to> <value>Fill memory with value
C <from> <to> <destination>Compare memory with memory
H <from> <to> <value>[<value>…]Compare memory with values
HC <from> <from> <value> [<value> …]Continue hunt, compare memory with values that addresses overlap with previous results of hunt command
T <from> <from> <destination>Copy memory
L [PRG] [from] [file name]Load memory (with option from PRG file)
S [PRG] <from> <from> [file name]Save memory (with option as PRG file)
D [NH] <from> <from> [file name]Disassemble memory (with option NH without hex codes)
G <address>Jmp to address
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

VIC Editor Screen

Ctrl + NCreate new picture and setup C64 for painting
LMB, RMBPaint using selected color
Alt + LMB, Alt + RMBPaint dither
Ctrl + LMB or Ctrl + RMB Force painting / replace color
Shift + LMBGet color at cursor as LMB color
Shift + RMBGet color at cursor as RMB color
XExchange LMB/RMB colors
0Set LMB color from $D021 color
Shift + 0Get color at cursor as background ($D021) color
RMB on Preview WindowMove display
Space Bar (hold in main display)Move display
Mouse ScrollZoom in/out the canvas
Shift + Mouse ScrollQuickly zoom in/out the canvas
[ or ]Select Circle Brush size
Ctrl + [ or Ctrl + ] Select Rectangle Brush size
/Change Preview Window scale
Show cursor pointer in Preview Window
` (tilde key)Select next visible layer
12345678QWERTYUISelect color
Shift + 1, Shift + 2, Shift + 3Select sprite painting color num ($D025, $D027+, $D026)
FShow/hide all windows
DShow/hide preview window
PShow/hide colors palette
CShow/hide character set window
SShow/hide sprite window
LShow/hide layers window
Ctrl + GShow/hide sprite frames
Ctrl + Shift + Mouse ClickLock/Select sprite
Arrow ←↑→↓Move selected sprite
Ctrl + BackspaceClear screen
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
Ctrl + SSave image in VIC Editor (*.vce) format
Ctrl + OLoad/Import image (vce, png, kla, art, dd)
Ctrl + Shift + EExport image to kla/art/raw text
Ctrl + BToggle top bar with icons
ESCAPEBack to C64 Debugger
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

VIC Display Screen

Arrow ←↑→↓Move locked cursor
Shift + Arrow ←↑→↓Move locked cursor in large steps
` (~ tilde key)Toggle VIC raster breakpoint
LLock/Unlock mouse cursor
Space BarLock/Unlock Disassemble auto-scroll code
XSelect next auto-scroll code mode
RSelect auto-scroll code to Raster
SSelect auto-scroll code to Screen (Text)
BSelect auto-scroll code to Bitmap
CSelect auto-scroll code to Colour
GlobalDisassemblyDumpMapBreakpointsC64 ScreenMonitorVic EditorVic Display

C64 Debugger and 65XE Debugger by SLAJEREK/SAMAR

The above is as provided by the latest version of C64 Debugger V0.64.58.6

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