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Text File Bro Text File Browser NEW

Text File Browser by Michael Beutjer is a nice utility for viewing .SEQ files.  The program is completely menu driven and easy to use with built-in instructions.

This particular archive is actually a QS! Public Domain Disk #10 with many documentation files on it along with the Text File Browser.  On the disk are the following doc files:

Wargames, Whistler Brothers, Wizard & the Princess, Pogo Notes (Logo for the PET), Word Processor Docs, MicroMon v2, Term Plus 80, Easy Script Quick Reference, Fleet System 2 Rapid Reference Chart, Paperclip Command Help, Copy 250 Docs, BASIC Aid, Punterminal, Adventure Workshop, 1541 Alignment Docs & C64 Wedge docs.

There are some additional doc files on the disk that are in PRG form and are probably from some particular word processor because if I convert them to SEQ I can read them mostly but there is other embedded jiberish.


System Commodore 64
Size58.67 KB


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