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Discat Discat v4.0 NEW

Discat v4.0 by Jim Smith (Great White North Computer Club, January 1988) - Discat is a cataloging program for the 64 that allows up to 1100 filenames in each SEQuential data file. Select data filenames such as Games, Data, Graphics, etc., and you should be able to catalog all your disks. Printer output selection delivers compressed alphabetical lists of Disks, Filenames, or Disks with their Filenames. Load and Run B00T/M4.

DISKPRINT/M4: A DISCAT/M4 companion file prints a listing of individual disks. Uses the same machine language routine as DISCAT/M4 by loading DiSCAT/ML. The compressed directory can be cut out and kept in the disk jacket for handy reference. Load and Run DISKPRINT/M4.


System Commodore 64
Size19.88 KB


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