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PAKRATT Model PK-64 & HFM-64 Operating Ma PAKRATT Model PK-64 & HFM-64 Operating Manual NEW

This operating manual is furnished with the AEA PK-64 Pakratt Data Controller. It is designed to give you an introductory idea of what Packet Radio is all about. It is not intended to give a comprehensive treatment of the subject - there is a reading bibliography of many fine articles and books in the appendix to this manual.

You will learn in the remainder of this introduction a little bit about what packet radio is, what some of the terms are (there is a glossary in the appendix), what happens in a typical QSO and what appears on the screen.
You will be anxious to get on the air in a hurry if you are an average ham. You probably won't want to spend any time reading the manual before doing so. You may not have even gotten this far. If you have, be advised that the chapter titled "Quick Check and Sneak Packet Preview" will give you the thrill of a very quick way to get some of the locai packet activity to print on your screen.


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